You want my taxes – talk to my lawyers


President Trump said Thursday that Democrats who claim his tax returns will have to deal with his lawyers.

"They will talk to my lawyers, they will talk to the general counsel," Trump told reporters at an independent press conference in the Oval Office.

He repeated the answer, word for word, when the journalist pressed him a second time.

"They will talk to my lawyers and the Attorney General," he repeated.

Democrats use an almost 100-year-old anti-corruption measure that allows Congress to ask any declarant for tax returns to order the IRS to file the president's statements.

Trump is the first president since Nixon not to have voluntarily published his statements while running for office.

He constantly refused the requests, saying that the returns were under "audit".

On Wednesday, Trump said that as long as he was no longer audited, he "would not be inclined" to disclose his tax returns.


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