You were at my wedding, Denise


Hi! Were you awake this morning, open on Twitter and ask yourself immediately: "Why is everyone here talking to a lady named Denise and how did she get to their wedding? ? Welcome.

It all began Monday night when Denise McAllister, a conservative writer and commentator, tweeted a few harsh words about View.

"Can any one explain to me the purpose of View? McAllister said. "This seems to me to be a delusional mental minus round table that ricochets ignorance and lack of emotional regulation."

Linked was an article titled "Meghan McCain says she has an" existential crisis "; The media will admit that Trump will be re-elected. "

Then, Meghan McCain View) intervened with this:

The drama.

McCain's comment – apparently shocked and deeply hurt – was extremely amusing for many people. I mean, look at him! It's perfect!

Now, everyone says he's going to adopt it as his new comeback of catch-all.

And this has generated very good memes.

FWIW, McAllister retorted that the tweet was not meant for McCain, but rather for View and the mental dwarves that surround you. "

"I do not even know how you do it every day and I pull a hat for standing you in the middle of madness," McAllister said.

But whatever happens here, at least it gave us a new meme.


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