YouTube proactively blocks ads on videos subject to predatory comments


A tweet Last night, the company noted that even if a user's video was "advertiser-friendly," YouTube might still be receiving "limited or no" ads if the video got inappropriate comments. This immediately provoked a brutal reaction among the YouTubers, since the bad actors could simply delete the comment section of a video hoping that YouTube would extract advertisements, which would cost revenue to its creator. Since online bells like 4Chan have joined together to control others online, it's easy to imagine that this is used to attack innocent videos that some people just do not agree with.

Engadget contacted YouTube and a spokesperson said the company was proactively limiting ads on videos that she found particularly vulnerable to predatory comments. The company also pointed out that this was done for specific videos, not for whole channels. This seems to confirm the concerns of some creators; some videos lose monetization before Bad comment sections appeared. YouTube said it was doing it as a precaution, and it seems like it will not be the new permanent policy, but it will not help many who lose money because of some something that could or could not happen.

On the plus side, YouTube seems to be making this decision based on risk publications for these specific types of predatory comments. This means that trolls might not be able to crawl into a video with which they disagree, to cast comments and have ads removed from a video. Unfortunately, YouTube has not yet released a clear and declarative statement about the problem and its activities, but has instead opted for a few tweets and brief and somewhat vague statements. Hoping that the company quickly masters the problem and communicates better with its users.


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