YouTube says that there is no evidence of videos promoting Momo Challenge



Keisuke Aisawa / Instagram

On Wednesday, YouTube disputed claims that the so-called Momo challenge appeared on the giant video site.

"We want to clarify something about the Momo Challenge: we have not seen any recent evidence of videos promoting the Momo Challenge on YouTube," the company tweeted. "Videos encouraging harmful and dangerous challenges are against our policies."

YouTube encouraged users to report questionable videos.

Police and schools According to CBS News, this week warnings were sent to parents about the challenge after reports that it resurfaced in the UK were reported.

The supposed Momo Challenge would come from the WhatsApp messaging platform, became viral last year and has largely disappeared. The challenge involves Momo, a macabre puppet-like creature who challenges children to take on a series of challenges, including hurting themselves and hurting themselves.

However, charities such as the Samaritans and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children said the challenge was a malicious hoax, reported The Guardian on Thursday, and that there was no evidence confirmed that this poses a threat to children.

The image of Momo, in fact, is a sculpture called "Mother Bird" by Japanese artist Keisuke Aisawa. There does not seem to be any connection between the artist and the challenge.


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