YouTube star James Charles denies treating 16-year-old


YouTube star James Charles has denied accusations he treated a minor fan. In a long declaration, the 21-year-old said he wanted to address the situation “right away” after a TikTok user posted now-deleted videos claiming Charles had sent him sexual messages and nude photos on Snapchat. When the boy told Charles he was only 16, he claims the beauty blogger kept asking for photos of his body.

But Charles denied the teenager’s story, saying he only started flirting with him after he said he was 18. Charles wrote. When the boy admitted he was 16, Charles said he was “really uncomfortable” and apologized for flirting with him.

“After bogus claims like this in the past, I would never knowingly engage with minors and put my life on the line for a few Snapchats,” he wrote. “I know I’m going to ask to see the ID cards or passports of any guy I have a conversation with.” The accuser told Insider that Charles “lied in his tweet,” saying he never said he was 18 and that his TikTok bio indicated his age.

Charles had previously been accused of sending unsolicited nude photos to straight men in 2019 and faced similar allegations again in January.

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