YouTube suspends President Donald Trump’s channel


A recent video on Trump’s channel had incited violence, YouTube told CNN Business. This video has now been deleted.

YouTube declined to share details of the video that landed Trump on strike, but said after the one-week delay it would reconsider the decision.

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YouTube has so far been the only major social media platform that hasn’t suspended Trump in some way. Facebook suspended Trump’s account “indefinitely”, while Twitter banned Trump altogether.
“After careful consideration and in light of concerns about the current potential for violence, we have removed new content uploaded to the Donald J. Trump channel and launched a strike for violating our policies to incite violence,” he said. a YouTube spokesperson said in a statement. “As a result, in accordance with our long-standing strike system, the channel is now barred from uploading new videos or live broadcasts for at least seven days, which can be extended.”

YouTube also said it would take the extra step of disabling comments under videos on Trump’s channel.

Under YouTube’s rules, getting a second warning will result in a two week suspension and three warnings will result in a permanent ban.


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