YouTube takes action against Trump, bans downloads for at least 7 days


YouTube has taken action against President Donald Trump and has banned the posting of new videos to his channel for at least seven days, citing violations of its policies and “concerns about the potential for ongoing violence.”

This is the latest action against Trump after last week’s deadly riot on the United States Capitol by a pro-Trump mob. Twitter and Facebook have also suspended or blocked the president’s accounts.

YouTube has launched a “strike” on Trump’s channel and said comments will also be turned off indefinitely. The company also said it removed new content posted on Tuesday.

Trump has been blamed by Democrats and some Republicans – including Republican No. 3 in the House, Republican Liz Cheney – for inciting violence on Capitol Hill.

“The President of the United States called this crowd, gathered the crowd and lit the flame of this attack. All that followed was his doing,” Cheney, R-Wyoming, said in a statement Tuesday.

“There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution,” she said, adding that she supported his impeachment.

Trump on Tuesday took no responsibility for inciting the riot that killed five people, including a Capitol Hill police officer who died after being injured in physical clashes and a woman who was fatally shot by police while that a crowd was trying to break into part of the building.

There have been calls for Congress to remove Trump after the rampage.

The Democratic-controlled House passed a resolution on Tuesday evening calling on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment, which Pence said he would not do. “Under our Constitution, the 25th Amendment is not a means of punishment or usurpation,” and its use would set what he called a terrible precedent, the vice president said in a letter.

The House vote was 223 to 205, largely along partisan lines. But there are also calls to impeach Trump a second time, and a growing number of Republicans have publicly endorsed the president’s impeachment.

In addition to speaking to crowds at a rally before the violence, Trump had repeatedly and baselessly claimed the election was fraudulent or stolen, claims for which there is no evidence. Crowds stormed and sacked the Capitol as Congress officially counted the electoral votes for Joe Biden’s victory.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Told the House ahead of Tuesday night’s vote that “the facts are very clear: the president has called for this seditious attack.”


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