YouTube takes action at the exit of advertisers following the concerns of pedophiles on the platform


"Any content – including comments – endangering minors is obnoxious and we have clear policies banning it on YouTube," said a spokeswoman for YouTube in a statement sent to CNN Business. "We acted immediately by removing accounts and channels, reporting illegal activity to the authorities and disabling comments on tens of millions of videos containing minors."

"There is still a lot of work to be done and we continue to work to improve and catch the abuse faster," added the YouTube spokesperson.

The concerns were originally raised by video creator Matt Watson.

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Watson, in a video watched nearly 2 million times since Sunday, said YouTube's algorithm had created a "wormhole" that allowed pedophiles to find easily, thanks to the site's recommended video feature. , clips of young children performing activities such as gymnastics or yoga.

After locating the videos, which appeared to have been recorded with innocent intentions, Watson pointed out that some users had left comments stating specific times when children were seen in "compromising positions".

Watson said some of the exploited videos featured major brand ads.

YouTube spokesman told CNN Business that the company has reviewed and removed thousands of inappropriate comments, terminated more than 400 channels, and removed dozens of videos in the last 48 hours.

In addition, YouTube spokesman said the company had reported illegal comments to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children so that the organization could work with the appropriate authorities.

This is not the first time YouTube has been in the hot water of companies whose ads have been broadcast before inappropriate content.

A survey conducted by CNN in April 2018 found that ads for more than 300 companies and organizations were broadcast on YouTube channels to promote white nationalists, Nazis, pedophiles, conspiracy theories and North Korean propaganda.

This latest episode recalls that YouTube continues to struggle to protect its own platform against the rules and policies set out in its terms of use.


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