YouTube will no longer show the exact number of subscribers in September


When the change was announced for the first time, YouTube had said it hoped to make the number of subscribers consistent in its desktop and mobile applications. "Beyond creating greater consistency, this addresses creators' concerns about stress and wellbeing, particularly with regard to tracking the number of public subscribers in real time ", wrote today YouTube in an update. "We hope this will help all creators focus on narrating their story and putting less pressure on the numbers."

In April, Instagram tested a similar feature that masked "similar" accounts to viewers, but YouTubers said that creators would still be able to see the number of subscribers they have in YouTube Studio and YouTube Analytics. So, if they are obsessed with new followers, that will not help. As Android font points out that becoming a fan can also become less personal because the number of subscribers will not change when you subscribe.

Only accounts with more than 1,000 subscribers will have their subscriber count abbreviated. But the change also applies to the YouTube data API service, used by platforms such as Social Blade, which tracks the number of followers on YouTube, Twitch, Instagram and Twitter. The company has pronounced against the change yesterday. In its update, YouTube wrote: "Although we know that not everyone will agree with this update, we hope that it is a positive step for the community, at the times for display and for content creation. "


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