Yuck! iOS 13 coming next week with the bugging bug for iPhone LockScreen


ios lock screen bypass

Good news … On September 19, Apple will launch iOS 13, the latest version of its mobile operating system.

Yes, we are delighted, but here is the bad news …

iOS 13 contains a vulnerability that could allow anyone to bypass the lockscreen protection of your iPhone and access certain sensitive information.

Jose Rodriguez, a Spanish security researcher, contacted The Hacker News and revealed that he had discovered a lockout bypass bug in iOS 13 that allowed him to access the full list of contacts on his iPhone – as well as all information that was recorded there.

Rodriguez told The Hacker News that he had discovered the new lockscreen bypass bug on his iPhone running the beta version of iOS 13 and reported it to Apple on July 17th.

However, unfortunately, Apple has not corrected the bug even after being notified several months ago, and the workaround still runs on the Gold Master (GM) version of iOS 13, the final version of the software that will be distributed to everyone in September. 19

How does iOS 13 Lockscreen Bypass work on iPhone?

This bug allows anyone with physical access to a target's iPhone to trick the smartphone by giving it access to the full list of stored contacts, as well as to the detailed information about each contact, including their names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses. FaceTime call.

The latest iPhone hijacker locked is similar to the one discovered by Rodriguez last year in iOS 12.1, just hours after iOS released by Apple, allowing anyone to bypass the lock on an iPhone targeted at using the built-in VoiceOver function.

As shown in the illustration below, Rodriguez shared a video with iPhone hacking to illustrate how iPhone hacking works, illustrating how hacking works and how simple it is to execute by any unsuspecting user.

The bug involves the activation of a FaceTime call on the iPhone from a target, and then access to Siri's voice assistance function to access to the contact list and all the information stored there.

However, more likely, Apple will correct this problem in iOS version 13.1, which should arrive to the public on September 30th. All users should correct their iPhones by the end of the month.

Until then, it is recommended that iPhone users not leave their phones unattended, at least in public places and workplaces.

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