Zach Johnson's 3-meter kickoff: the most memorable moment in Masters history


Zach Johnson, Masters champion and still among the top 100 players in the world, did something Literally could have made you at the Augusta national hole on Thursday:

Johnson was about to play at Augusta's 13th hole, making his way through Amen Corner as he did a hundred times before. (He's played every Masters since 2005 and won in 2007, as well as dozens of untold practice rounds.) He pitched in what he thought was a standard workout swing, but he had a bad alignment and he hit the ball with the fingertips. driver, turning it on the wooden marker at the beginning of the 510-yard hole.

Discover the trajectory on this firecracker:

That did not matter, because Johnson apparently did not try to hit the ball

He lined his club's head to the left of where he was, or at least he thought, indicating that he did not intend to hit the ball with his momentum. 'training.

If the ball is not already in play, there is no penalty to take it, re-throw it and play your shot as provided in this circumstance. If Johnson had accidentally hit the ball once it was already, for example, in the fairway, that was another story. He should simply have played it or replaced it with a penalty of one stroke, in accordance with the rules of golf.

He proceeded to birdie the hole, because sometimes the ball lies.

Once Johnson returned to his path, he ran 285 yards on the left side of the fairway, with exactly the kind of soft and attractive flight that the 13th hole invites. That left him 196 yards to the limit, and he stuck a 30-foot iron and then doubled for his four on the par-5.

This brought him to 1-over for the week, still far from the hassles.

So, even though Johnson's moment is not counted, he should never escape the annals of history.

For a brief moment, we all could see a Masters champion playing Augusta with exactly the skill level we would play Augusta. Never let us forget it.

Did this happen to you before?

It's actually happened to me, sort of. The difference between Johnson's episode and mine is that I did not do a practice swing.

A few years ago, I was leaving the second hole of normal 4 at Mt. Lebanon Golf Course near Pittsburgh, a nine-hole course just minutes from my home. I played white or blue tees, so there were a few sets of tees in front of me.

I overcame the ball with my pilot and I also trenched it enough so that it could roll forward and to the left. (I am a southpaw.) He bounced on the thing and flew towards me, and I had to bend down to avoid beheading myself with a bad golf shot. I lost the balloon because he flew into a yard behind me and I did not want to climb on the fence. But I held my skull.

Hit me with your Horror stories golf shot in the comments.


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