Zack Snyder’s Justice League ends on ‘massive cliffhanger’ for even less likely sequel


You could be forgiven for assuming – given that it runs for four hours, features tons of hugely expensive new footage just to make it a doable film, and seems specifically designed to say goodbye to the superhero franchise’s broader ambitions. by DC Films – that Justice League by Zack Snyder could be the director’s last word on this particular set of deeply desaturated characters. But you’d also be forgiven for assuming the above thought was utter naïve, utter nonsense, because, hey: have you met that guy from Zack Snyder? If you think he’s going to stop pushing his very specific, very violent, very gray version of the blockbuster superhero until he’s actually done with it, you’ve lost the mind of Motherboxing. .

Hence a whole bunch of revelations about IGNToday’s Fan Fest 2021 event including news Justice League by Zack Snyder, while arguably such a definitive statement about the Justice League as any man could hope to make, will always end on what Snyder has called a “massive cliffhanger.” This, despite the fact that Snyder knows that DC has moved away from its efforts to Avengers his personal superhero movie franchise, and that a Snyder verse Justice League 2 this will almost certainly never happen. But hey: someone paid for all that Darkseid CGI, so they might as well use it, right?

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Speaking of CGI: Snyder also showed off a “Motherbox” animated clip that serves as a promo for the film, in what you might better call the spiritual sense. That is, it features slow, melodramatic pans over heavy metal footage of members of the Justice League, while a song by Tom Waits makes its way through the dust in the background. It is, like much of the surrounding material Justice League by Zack Snyder—Jesus Joker, the special “Justice Is Gray” version on the way for people too overwhelmed by the desaturated version of the new cut, the pure Leonard Cohen-ness of it all – brilliant, in his complete immunity to parody. How do you make fun of the anguished religious iconography of Aquaman battling tentacle monsters while sad folk rock plays? What aspect could you possibly emphasize for a comedic effect? It’s the critical equivalent of the back rope, exhausting all mockery with the blatant character of its invitation to mock.

In fact, “exhausting” (with a “comprehensive” secondary order) is the general mood of this whole project, and this latest press blitz on its behalf, of the speculation that this great “cameo hero” Snyder promised. in the film’s ending (Martian Manhunter is the easy money, although people with very short memories rather hope for the Green Lantern Corps), to the director’s repeated claim today (doubling down on previous sentiments) that Cyborg by Ray Fisher is the heart of the film, and the crew. The latter comes even as Fisher and Warner Media are still committed. another series of mutual attacks on each other today, with Fisher continuing to claim that DC Films’ Walter Hamada interfered with investigations into allegations of misconduct on the set of Joss Whedon’s version of the film, and Warner fighting back by touting a statement by one of the investigators in question, defending Hamada’s character and conduct. Snyder’s defense of his star is admirable, but it also shows how strange this whole Snyder Cut project has been, with a director actively touting the work of an actor who is now essentially at open war with the studio producing the film. . , for uncertain and uncertain profit or gain.

Justice League by Zack Snyder released on March 18th. Rest.


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