Zack Snyder’s Justice League star Harry Lennix speaks out on Joss Whedon scandal


Zack Snyder’s beginnings Justice League is set to hit HBO Max in a month, and fans are eager to see the filmmaker’s version of the DC Comics film free from interference from studio executives or Joss Whedon-led covers. But as we prepare for the Snyder Cut that is finally coming to fruition, Whedon continues to be mired in controversy due to actors he has worked with who have accused of abuse and mistreatment on various projects in the over the years. Now, Manhunter’s Martian actor Harry Lennix talks about his experience with Whedon ahead of the release of Justice League.

Prior to his work on the DC Comics films with Snyder, Lennix starred for two seasons in the Whedon series. Doll house with lead actress Eliza Dushku. Dushku herself has pledged to support those who have presented their own accounts of abuse by Whedon in response to Ray Fisher’s accusations. Lennix had a similar response while reiterating the need to hear from Whedon himself.

“I’m sorry anyone had to experience what has been described. Obviously there’s a side of the story we’ve heard. I’m not sure Joss commented,” he said. Lennix said in an interview with Variety. “As you pointed out, I worked pretty closely with Joss for a few years there. I didn’t see that behavior, and at the same time, as an actor, my heart goes out to whoever had to endure this kind of situation. We are often treated like second class citizens. But I have not seen it, and I would be curious to know [Joss’s] answer to this was. “

Lennix said he wants people involved in these situations to be able to use it to learn and grow, especially Whedon. He also added that his experiences with Whedon were not inappropriate during their time working together.

“I haven’t seen any of this kind of behavior that I hear about. But I am in a different place. That sort of thing isn’t likely to happen to me, just because I’m a big black man from the south side of Chicago, people are a little more wary, but they might think about treating me or talking to me. [Joss] another chance to answer, to see what his side of the story is. Don’t minimize anyone’s story, don’t minimize the experiences of others in any way. But I believe we must learn to reconcile. And we have to learn to move forward. “

Lennix went on to say that he hoped Whedon would make a statement in response to Fisher’s comments, hoping the whole situation can be resolved in the near future.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League is scheduled to premiere on HBO Max on Thursday, March 18.


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