Zelda 35th birthday – this 22 year old game is still the best


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of the best games I have ever finished. My tenuous excuse is that I often got stuck and it took time to discover the dungeons. As a kid raised in the internet-less wilderness of the West Wales countryside, sport and school taking my time, my progress in Ocarina of Time was freezing.

As I went through this N64 game in a piecemeal fashion, the original PC and Xbox games got to grab my attention. Then I left my childhood home, leaving my N64 behind, Link waiting to take on the Spirit Temple boss. I was so close to the end, yet so far. Until the relative freedom of university life, I had always played games in spurts. Yet despite my bizarre approach, Ocarina of Time is etched in my memory.


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