Zelda: Link's Awakening – Nintendo Reworks Classic Gameboy Title for Switch


If you have not already done so, you can keep abreast of the biggest news of the latest Nintendo Direct, but the organ point was the new Zelda game for Switch. Nintendo closed its latest presentation of Direct by unveiling a remake of Game Boy's highly regarded game, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, which is "reborn as a new experience" on the hybrid console later in 2019. No specific release date has been announced. , but we have watched it in the form of a trailer that you can watch below.

Nintendo has not given much details about Link's remake of Awakening, but it keeps the prospect up and down from the original, making it the first new Zelda 2D style game for Switch. It also offers visual elements reminding a link between worlds, followed by 3DS on A link to the past.

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Link's Awakening was launched for the first time in 1993 for Gameboy. An updated color version (Link's Awakening DX) was put in place in 1998. Unlike most other games in the series, the game is not located at Hyrule, but on the mysterious island from Koholint. After being shipwrecked, Link lands on the island and can escape only by recovering eight magical instruments and waking the island guardian, the Wind Fish.

Nintendo has announced a ton of other Switch games during its latest live presentation, including Super Mario Maker 2, whose launch is scheduled for June. As promised, we also took a closer look at Fire Emblem: Three Houses, which will arrive at Switch soon on July 26th.


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