A short summary of everything we know


There can be no denying that Google's current offering is one of the best android smartphones on the planet. Although the construction may not be so remarkable, the unique camera on the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL are the most powerful USP of the brand's product. Well, it was last year when Google released the sequel to their own smartphones, post the Nexus series. And now, in just over two months, we will see Google trying to cannibalize the smartphone market once again.

Next October, Google will unveil the next successors of Pixel, called Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL. Although there is no official confirmation on the name of the next devices, when they will be launched or on what they represent, the rumor and the leakage chains help shape the devices. device virtually for the whole world. Adding to smartphones, Google is also rumored to launch a smartwatch this time.

While many rumors and leaks have talked a lot about upcoming Pixels, here's another one that claims to talk about specs, price, output data and a few others. The Pixel phones will also mark the launch of the next Android operating system, it is confirmed that Android P will come with multiplayer AR, a better assistant and many more.

The Pixel 3 are supposed to contain the first Android P operating systems that come out of Android kitchens. This new version of Android is also supposed to support the notorious notch and space issues next door, she accompanies it. The new operating system is supposed to support varying notch sizes to match multiple phones and their user interfaces. It is also said that Google Pixels 3 and 3 XL will also be sporty. Adding to the support notch, Pixels are also meant to offer gestural support, which is currently seen in Apple's iPhone X.

Pixels are also supposed to support wireless charging. Well, this was revealed by XDA Developers, who dug deep into the source codes in Android P. If that's true, Pixels could sport a glass or a plastic.

Another leak also mentioned the new Pixel XL now showing off a dual camera for selfies, but not on the smaller variant. It is also said that the display will be edge to edge, with minimal glasses. However, some rumors mention that the design will be identical to that of current generation Pixel phones.

One of them mentioned Google topping the Apple road by launching a premium Pixel smartphone with both regular versions. The high-end Pixel is currently a mystery and nothing has been known about the features or specifications. If we finally say that the trio Pixel will launch and next, we will also see a Pixel smartwatch and the following Pixel Buds. However, another leak also made mention of a budget pixel taking center stage. However, the tweet of Evan Blass refutes that. Other leaks and rumors have also been reported about newer pixels equipped with a front-facing speaker system.

Well, rumors can have everything, but what the new generation of Google smartphones will present is still unknown. Do they carry the Snapdragon 845 or will they pass the 845 for the latest version? Will they sport 8GB of RAM? Will they have two rear cameras to compete with the Huawei beast? Or will Google take the Apple route to offer us a premium edition? There are about two months left to learn more about the new variants of the search giant and leaks are at work for the rumor mills to work.


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