Comedian Mo'Nique asks fans to forgive Roseanne


Roseanne Barr. Photo: [email protected]

Two famous actresses are stuck in the "engulfed place" and one of them asks fans to forgive each other for her public statements.

Mo'Nique, an artist in distress, urges the public to resist the urge of Pierre Roseanne Barr because of his recent socio-political transgressions. The Oscar-winning 48-year-old actress ( Precious ) defended "her sister in the comedy" Barr, who lost her ABC rebound record "Roseanne" after calling the advisor for the first time. former President Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett. monkey "in a tweet in May.

Mo 'Nique said that a person's life and career should not be destroyed for one mistake

" We all said and did things we would like to take back and swallow and say, "Oh." But when you are in the public eye, you can not and it's there, "Mo? Nique says KTLA ." But put the title of "racist" on it. .. "

" My sister made a mistake and she said something that I know she wishes she could pick up. But as I ask, we do not reject it. "

As most people of pop culture know, Barr compared Jarrett to a primate, saying that she looked like" The Muslim Brotherhood and the Planet of the Apes have a baby "as a way to Denounce the Obama White House during its terse negotiations with the Middle East countries Roseanne, who is not a coincidental, is a fervent supporter of Donald Trump and even has based some episodes of his late 45th President's Politics and Philosophy Show

Barr tried in vain to apologize for saving his show.Of course, ABC honchos immediately canceled "Roseanne" and scheduled a show on his fictional family, The Conners For this fall but without the participation of Roseanne

Roseanne once again spoiled last week in an interview for her YouTube page, in which she claims that she thought Jarrett was white. [19659003] "I thought the dog was white!" The disheveled and disgraced comedian roars in the camera. "Damn, I thought the bitch was white." –

Monique said that she shows Barr the same kind of love that Roseanne for her when her hit show of the '90s was on the air:

"I remember when I had the" Mo-Nic "Show," and there were great, great talents of black superstars who had white reps and they said their talent, "This show is too black and we really do not want you to go there," said Mo'Nique. "But there was a white woman named Roseanne Barr who came forward for me. … and they did not hear the conversation when the cameras were not rolling. … This woman gave me beautiful words. "

Barr forgives the fans as she continues to grope the ball, as she did on Thursday on Fox News's" Sean Hannity Show "and again apologized. Jarrett's appearance

"I'm so sorry that you thought I was racist and you thought my tweet was racist, because it was not the case. It was political, "said Barr to Hannity, addressing Jarrett

She added," Also, I would tell her that she needs to get her hair cut, I mean Seriously, she needs a new haircut. "

<img alt ="] Terry Shropshire

I am a lover of words, pictures, people and Ohio State Buckeyes. A true journalist of the soul.

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