Four Million People Use Apple's Beta OS – TechCrunch


In recent years, Apple has made available to those who were ready to brave the bugs the first versions of its operating systems. Thanks to its beta software, anyone wishing to manage an uneven battery life or a crash or three could load preliminary versions of iOS, macOS, watchOS or tvOS.

Have you ever wondered how much it benefits? According to Tim Cook on today 's revenue appeal, more than four million people are currently running on betas.

Alas, it's as detailed as he's had. It does not break down the platforms that have the most beta users (although I would bet iOS or macOS), nor what percentage of this beta group were developers (access to the beta to debug their apps before setting up day) (who just wants to rummage the new goods at the beginning.)

For reference: In February of 2018, Apple had 1.3 billion active devices on Apple TV, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Mac. So, if each of the users mentioned by Tim Cook uses a beta OS on a device, that's about 0.3% of active devices running on a beta.

Although this percentage does not seem huge, having four million People are happy to test your software before shipping it officially, it's a rare force that few of 39, other companies can claim. Still, Apple has had some rather glaring bugs through the cracks – from the annoying but forgettable bug that has moved the letter "i" in iOS for a few days to more serious security issues like the root user bug discovered in macOS at the end from last year. Could Apple do more to encourage bug hunting before the release?

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