Hailey Baldwin's first article since the engagement rumors Justin Bieber highlights how happy she is


A little over 24 hours have passed since rumors circulate that Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber were engaged to the Bahamas this weekend. While TMZ was the first to report the news, the couple kept quiet about it – until now, that's it. On Monday, Baldwin posted his first Instagram since the engagement rumors, but then removed it shortly thereafter. (Bustle reached out to Baldwin's representative to comment on why the message was deleted, but did not receive an immediate response.)

UPDATE 1: On Monday afternoon, Bieber confirmed his commitment in Baldwin with a long Instagram legend. He also shared two black-and-white photos of the pair together, writing, in part:

"was going to wait a while to say no matter what but the word travels fast, just listen to Hailey I'm so in love with everything So committed to spending my life getting to know every part of you loving patiently and kindly. "

UPDATE 2: Shortly after Bieber confirmed the commitment on IG, Baldwin took on Twitter ] with a message that seems to be related. She wrote Monday,

"I do not know what I have done in life to deserve such happiness but I am so grateful to God for giving me an incredible person with whom to share my life. life!

EARLIER: In the Instagram that Baldwin briefly published all the signs indicate pure happiness.Well, somehow.She does not really smile in the picture but the caption points out that "internally," she smiles all – or more accurately, five smiling-face emojis. (Bustle had already contacted the Bieber and Baldwin representatives about the engagement reports, but had not not heard.)

Although it does not explicitly address the commitment in the legend, or the image itself, the fans do not contain their excitement. from "bravo" to emojis, to "CONGRATS MON AMOUR", to "MME BIEBER." Clearly, fans are rooting for her e and Bieber a bit, but we still do not know when or if she will rebroadcast the photo.

Hailey Baldwin / Instagram (screen capture)

For information, Baldwin is not the only member of his family to post something on social media and to delete soon after. On Sunday, his father, Stephen Baldwin, tweeted what seemed like a congratulatory message to his daughter and Bieber. He even tagged the parents of the "Sorry" singer, Jeremy Bieber and Pattie Mallette, in the tweet before removing it. The actor wrote in the message deleted since:

"Smile sweet on my face me and my wife (Kennya) Always pray 4 God will do it !! It moves in the heart of JB & HB Pray all for that His Will Be Made Love You 2 #God #bestisyettocome Congratulations @JeremyBieber @pattiemallette #PraiseJesus "

Stephen also included a New Testament verse from the Bible with his tweet, which said:

" Husbands, love your wives Just as Christ loved the church and gave it to her to sanctify it by washing it with water by word, and to present it as a radiant, unblemished church. no wrinkle or other stain, but holy and blameless.

Stephen's representative declined to comment when Bustle spoke about the tweet in question

Stephen Baldwin / Twitter (screen capture)

Although the Baldwins do not keep any reference to the rumored engagement on their pages, the m it can not be said for the Bieber group. The singer's father, Jeremy Bieber, posted an Instagram that many see as a reference to the supposed proposition. Beside the picture of his son on the beach, Jeremy wrote: "@justinbieber Proud is a euphemism! Excited for the next chapter!"

In addition, Bieber's mother, Pattie Mallette, shared a tweet on Saturday, C & 39, apparently related to this important step. She wrote: "Love Love Love Love Love Love Love". This seems particularly significant, since TMZ reported that Saturday night is the time when the engagement took place while the couple was on vacation.

As to how Bieber raised the question, E! News reported that there was a crowd present. And a source told the publication, "Justin made arrangements for the ring when they were in New York and knew what he wanted to propose to him. It was a sudden decision but Justin always knew that Hailey and he had a special bond that was incomparable. "After E! News, Baldwin was "caught unprepared" by the gesture, but "you could say that they are both so in love."

If that's the case, a big bravo are in order for the pair. Knowing how open Biebs is with his fans, it's probably only a matter of time before he publishes something on his own Instagram. And, hopefully, he will not go out himself a sudden post-erase movement – the hearts of fans will not be able to take it.

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