Help NASA monitor mosquitoes and reduce epidemics – AT SCHOOL


NASA has invited citizen scientists to help detect mosquitoes known to carry and spread diseases such as Zika, West Nile Virus and Malaria to create new models for the spread of these diseases . sufficient information on the geographical distribution of mosquitoes and the variation over time of their populations. If a lot of people were participating in this citizen science initiative around the world, it would help fill the gaps and that would help our work, "said Assaf Anyamba, a scientist with the Space Research Association of Goddard University. Space Flight Center at NASA Greenbelt.

NASA scientists initiated the work with the DEVELOP team – part of NASA's Applied Science program, which addresses environmental and public policy issues – to create models

The data then been used to create an interactive, open-source map on Google Earth Engine to improve prediction models for disease-carrying mosquitoes.

Early results showed that vegetation, moisture and soil moisture facilitated the development of mosquitoes during the summer months. During the winter, altitude played a greater role in creating mosquito – friendly habitats.

The public can help detect mosquitoes by downloading an app called GLOBE Observer, and then collect data during the summer using the Mosquito Habitat Mapper tool.

The application guides users through the process of identifying and eliminating mosquito breeding sites to reduce mosquito populations in their immediate environment.

More scientific data from more parts of the world could help "Knowing the mosquito species and their approximate populations at one point provides useful information about the potential for occurrence of a particular pathogen, or the transmission of the disease, "Anyamba said. IANS

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