"It's called conservation": an American woman under fire for killing "rare" giraffes in SA


A Kentucky-born woman sparked worldwide indignation
media after posting photos of a black giraffe she killed during a hunt
trip to South Africa

While Tess Thompson Talley's trip took place in June 2017,
the images became viral after surfacing on Twitter in June of this year.

According to reports, the 37-year-old man posted them on
Facebook in 2017 with the caption "Prayers for my unique dream
Hunting has become a reality today! Spotted this rare black giraffe bull and tracked him down for

"I knew it was that one. He was over 18, 4000 pounds
(1800 kg) and was blessed to be able to get 2000 lbs (900 kg) of meat
him. "

The Facebook post has since been deleted, but the photos
have now unleashed international fury.

Even celebrities like American actress Debra Messing and the British
comedian Ricky Gervais plunged into the fray, with the star of Will and Grace
calling Talley "a disgusting murderer, vile, amoral, heartless, selfish".
Ricky's tweet was loaded with explosives, The

But Talley seems to feel the opposite about him
hunting habit. In a statement to Fox
she defended herself, saying that the black giraffe was part of a
subspecies that is not uncommon at all.

"The number of these subspecies actually increases because,
in part, to hunters and conservation efforts paid largely by big game
She added that the giraffe was too old to breed and had killed
two young bulls who were able to procreate, causing the numbers to fall.

"This is what is called conservation by game management," he said.
Talley, who insists that it was not a "canned" hunt.

"For all people who wish to die or even threaten
death to me, that does nothing positive for your "movement", it only shows the
Around the world, your priorities are out of balance, "she said.

"Exactly the same
the image could have been posted, and is posted daily, men with their trophies
and not a word is said. "

Washington Post

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