Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott appear in love in a photo shoot for the GQ cover


The first photo shoot of Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott landed

On the August cover of GQ, the dynamic duo is in an intimate embrace that has many legs:

Filming, featuring the parents of Stormi Webster, features a wide range of sassy images and an interview not too revealing to start.

Jenner told the publication that Scott was whispering to him "all the time" during filming because it "just" meanwhile, she looks cool, calm and satiated in the backstage images that were shared on Twitter

Images put social media on fire and Twitter, of course, had a lot to say:

The interview talks about how the two met, Kylie joining Scott on tour on only their second date, and the "Curse of Kardashian."

For the unfamiliar, the "Curse" refers to the many men who dated Kardashian-Jenner women and who then "burned". From the "curse", Scott said that he was not even looking at the bastards. I do not look at shit. Kylie really likes me. "

" I am on my own island. So hey, come over to Astroworld. I'm not in all the other shits. I am not involved. I am here. Kylie is different, "he says.

Jenner says that other men" come and can not stand it ", but that she and Scott" make the extra mile "to keep their relationship" super private. "

" If he has events or something, I will not come. Because I want him to do his own thing. I want him to be him. I do not want it to be Kylie and Trav. If people never see us together, I do not mind, because we just do our thing. "

In addition, GQ has gone the extra mile and made a video with the pair, where they look to be a typical couple of 20 people, discussing the foods that they love and exchanging an occasional playful jab:

Hell, Kylie, you can make us a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every day of the week if they are as good as Travis says that 's right. they are ..

Congratulations on your shoot, guys.The rest of us can read the entirety of the interview here.

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