Shoko Festival calls for entries


The Herald

Correspondent of the Arts
Shoko Festival announced its theme for the 2018 edition under the title "Peace in the Hood". Shoko is ready to reimagine her format this year as she reveals a new program structure made of "Peace In The Hood" the main event of Chitungwiza. Shoko 2018 will run from September 28th to 30th.

"We chose the theme" Peace in the Hood "because" Peace in the Hood "is the main event of this year and has become the biggest event of the Shoko Festival. We have also chosen "Peace in the Hood" because after the harmonized election period of 2018, it is important to bring people together to celebrate peace, unity and cohesion. through the Shoko Festival, "said Comrade Fatso

.We also launched our call for artists this year, and we hope to receive nominations from upcoming artists, such as young rappers, comedians and musicians. spoken word artists We are looking for a wide range of young artists For the humorous evening, we are looking for good actors and for the hip hop party we are looking for young rappers, singers and artists urban and even for the main event of Sunday 'Peace in the Hood & # 39; If you are a rapper, comedian, DJ, dancehall artist or spoken artist and your work breaks out, we will offer you the platform to introduce you alongside other explosive local artists as well as international acts, "he said. added

Shoko Festival is the oldest urban culture of Zimbabwe festival and is a product of the Magamba Network.

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