Steve Jobs and Elon Musk used cold calls to start their careers


At 12, Jobs called Hewlett-Packard co-founder Bill Hewlett to ask for remaining electronic parts and, to his surprise, Hewlett picked up the phone. At first, the high school student was having fun at work, and shortly thereafter, taking the young man more seriously, he offered an internship at Jobs.

"He laughed and he gave me the spare parts to build the frequency meter, me a job this summer at Hewlett-Packard, working on the assembly line by putting nuts and bolts together on the frequency meters" reminded Jobs. "He found me a job in the place that built them and I was in paradise.

Being ready to reach out and risk rejection is what separates "the people who do things from the people who dream". Overcoming your fear of failure, he added, can lead to success.

"You must be ready to crush and burn, with people on the phone, starting a business, with anything." "If you are afraid of failing, you will not go very far."

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