Thomas Markle sells his daughter Meghan again and again


Meghan Markle faces a new betrayal by his father, Thomas Markle, who gave a nasty nine-hour interview to the Mail this weekend in which he repeatedly criticized his daughter for not being in contact In the new interview, the man least likely to win the father of the year says that his daughter is suffering from a superiority complex so he has the nerve to act that She changed her phone numbers and she does not want to talk to her after he has sold her several times in media interviews.

million. Markle accepted a payment of several thousand dollars to conduct an interview with a British breakfast TV show in which he revealed the contents of private conversations with Prince Harry and his daughter.

He also reiterates the suggestions made to ] Sun last weekend on being on the verge of death, and is launching a small pity party as he thinks that may -be would be better if he was dead because everyone would have sympathy for Meghan

everyone already has sympathy for Meghan, largely because Markle is still very much alive, with Actress John Legend's wife, Chrissy Teigen, who spoke several times when she criticized Markle.

hired by Mail on Sunday attempted to use Mr. Markle's latest blast to argue that Meghan would have to reconnect with his father, it's hard to see this argument holding any weight in the two hours Meghan Eart or the rooms of Kensington Palace right now.

It seems very likely that the first thing Mr. Markle would do if his daughter agreed to meet him would be to sell the story. Who knows, he could even fudge a few cameras to capture the event for posterity.

It is hard to think of anything more repulsive for a father than to exploit his children for money, attention and celebrity.

But by doing this by trying to shame the child, and making believe that the child is at fault, he probably outperforms him in the stakes of a hole.

He told Mail on Sunday : "I am really hurt that she cut me off completely, I had a phone number and a text number for her personal assistants at Palace, but after saying a few critical words about the changing royal family Meghan, they have me cut off

"These figures have been disconnected, they no longer work. I have no way to contact my daughter. "

Hmm." A few Critical Words "Is the 73-year-old perhaps referring to his comments last week when he says to Sun that 39, he could just say that his daughter is "terrified" because of her "painful smile"

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How would a child respond? Hey pops, I just wanted to call and say thank you for having said that my perennial spirit was crushed by the royal family. "

In his new interview, Markle says that he is worried about being excluded from the family and thinks he will not be able to meet a Prince Harry children there. and Meghan Markle have.

He said, "What's sad, is that next year Meghan and Harry will have a baby and I will be a grandfather, and if we do not speak I did not see my grandson.

So, maybe the answer is to shut up.

And let us not forget that Markle constantly complains of how he was ignored and put aside, there are some important facts that he conceded that totally contradict his story, namely that Meghan and Harry beg him to come to the wedding (he refused, claiming a heart surgery that would have been wrong) and that they actually called after the ceremony , who was only six weeks before his interview Good Morning Britain

. In this interview, he also acknowledged that after collaborating with a paparazzi to stage fake pictures, "Harry and Meghan called him and they said," You don? have nothing to fear. You have three costumes waiting and shoes to wear … Arrangements were made to take me to the airport. "

Hardly the words of a bitter and enraged girl."

According to his own will, Harry and Meghan could not be more supportive.He reimbursed them, unfathomable, by giving a television interview. [19659002] Mr. Markle even has the nerve to evoke Princess Diana in the new interview, saying that she would have encouraged Meghan to reach out to him.

Er, No. Diana was very familiar with the experience of being sold by people in whom she thought she could trust (see James Hewitt) and it is hard to imagine that she was utterly sorry for her son and daughter-in-law at Markle's house, calculating cruelty.

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