Tips for maintaining a healthy BMI


A high BMI is linked to an increased risk of a number of diseases, both in children and in adults. In young adults, a high BMI can increase blood pressure and thicken heart muscles, which can increase the risk of heart disease at a later stage of life. According to a new study published in the journal Circulation, a high BMI leads to high systolic and diastolic blood pressure. It also results in widening of the left ventricle of the heart which is the main pumping chamber. To this end, researchers are recommending that people make efforts to push their BMI back to a normal and healthy age from an early age. This will help reduce the risk of heart disease later in life. For this, the researchers collected data from thousands of healthy young people aged 17 to 21 years.

The first sign of heart disease is the accumulation of plaque in the arteries. This fatty plaque can affect blood flow to the heart and can lead to heart disease. However, according to the results, a high BMI can affect the heart structure of young people, resulting in changes in the blood vessels. The researchers said that it is the first study of its kind to show the adverse effects of high BMI on the cardiovascular system of young adults.

Read also: How to calculate your body mass index (BMI)

The researchers also aim to investigate the link between high BMI and other mechanisms of the disease such as abundance and the diversity of the composition of microbes in the intestine.

The high BMI is when your body weight is not proportional to your height. While you might think that BMI does not affect much the state of your health, many studies have shown that a high BMI can have adverse health effects. Maintaining a healthy BMI can help you reduce your risk here.

  4ha1bo38 BMI is high when the weight of your body is not proportional to your height
Photo credit: iStock

Read also: The BMI high and Diabetes is responsible for new cancer cases, Lancet Study

Here is a list of some simple tips to help you achieve and maintain a healthy BMI:

1 Calculate your BMI as mentioned here

2. If it is higher than normal, try to lose weight until you get a healthy BMI

3. Once reached, follow a workout program and follow it religiously

4 to stick to a healthy and balanced diet

5. Avoid snacking from time to time

6. Taking outdoor activities like sport

  nusnkmeo A balanced diet can help you maintain your BMI

7. Cut out sugary foods and drinks from your diet

8. Avoid processed foods

9. Do not skip breakfast

10. Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily

11. Reduce your screen time

12. Eat nuts and seeds when you feel the need to nibble, keep a check on your portions if

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