Zodiac signs that will have a rough day on August 6, 2021


August 6, 2021 will be unforgettable, but not necessarily in a good way. For three zodiac signs who are having a rough day on Friday, it’s an event to forget, but the problem is, they can’t.

Problems are going to hit like a ton of bricks for the three zodiac signs who will have a rough day on Friday.

This is not your ordinary hard time, either. Karmic lessons spark difficult conversations that hurt the heart and break a person deep down.

August 6 will be bad for three zodiac signs who will have a rough day on Friday.

It will take time to recover after August 6, but the day will seem very long.

We all wished we had more hours in a day, but on Friday every additional hour desired comes at the same time, and midnight will not come early enough.

What is there to blame? According to astrology, the main culprits of Friday’s trauma are the outer planets Pluto, Uranus, Saturn and Neptune.

And they talk to Mars, Venus, and the Moon – three personal planets. It brings hard work to the astrological houses of spiritual enemies, karmic lessons, communication, and fun.

Combine these areas of a person’s life into a day filled with complications, and you will certainly learn something, but not without having to look at your own emotional baggage as well.

Yes, this is how things go wrong on Friday, and situations involving other people come knocking on our personal door as well.

This is what happens when the mad Uranus talks to two unpredictable planets like Mars and the Moon – a deep anger kicks in and salty and hot tears flow.


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