1 in 5 children of parents eat more fast food during pandemic, survey finds


While half of parents surveyed said their families had eaten home-cooked meals more often since the start of the pandemic, 20% of parents said their families had eaten quick meals more often, according to a new survey released. Monday.

More than 2,000 parents participated in the University of Michigan Health’s CS Mott Children’s Hospital National Child Health Survey, which surveyed parents with at least one child between the ages of 3 and 18.
“We know that the lifestyles of families can have an impact on children’s nutrition, and we looked to see how the pandemic may have changed their eating habits,” said Dr. Gary L. Freed, co-lead of the survey. and pediatrician at CS Mott Children’s Hospital, in a statement. .

Reports of children consuming fast food at least twice a week were more common among parents with low incomes (less than $ 50,000 per year) and those who thought their child was overweight. Parents with low incomes were more likely than those with higher incomes (over $ 100,000 per year) to say that their child was overweight.

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“There is compelling data that regular fast food consumption predisposes children to unwanted weight gain,” said Dr Maya Adam, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at Stanford University in California, who did was not involved in the report, via email. “Parents love their children, so they are often the first to notice potential health problems.”

For these parents, “the demands and stresses of everyday life required compromises,” write the report’s authors.

Most parents agreed that fast food is unhealthy for their children, more expensive than preparing meals at home, and not good value for money. Yet 72% of parents thought that when pressed for time, fast food was a good family option, and 84% thought fast food was okay in moderation.

“We got the message clearly and clearly that cooking is just too complicated, too long – and heavily processed (fast) foods are the answer,” said Adam. “We are also making habits when it comes to our food: if we get used to ordering all our meals in fast food restaurants, it is uncomfortable and difficult to take out a pot and boil water for simple pasta. with vegetables and cheese. ”

When ordering fast food, 88% of parents let their child choose what they want and few parents read the nutritional information, according to the report. But more than half of parents still encouraged their child to choose healthier options or tried to limit foods such as fries and milkshakes. Children considered to be overweight by their parents were more likely than children considered to be “the correct weight” to have a soft drink or soda with their fast food meal.

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“A fast food meal often exceeds the recommended intake of fat, sodium and calories for the entire day without providing many nutrients,” Freed said. “The consumption of sugary drinks presents a real risk to the health of children and adults. It increases the risk of excessive weight gain and tooth decay in children, as well as preventable diseases such as obesity. In many fast food meals, sugary drinks are the biggest source of calories, according to the report.

Tips for choosing better or cooking more

Any food is generally good to eat in moderation, said Adam, but “the problem with fast food is that it’s very difficult to eat in moderation.”

“Usually large portions do not support moderate consumption and secondly, many highly processed foods are designed to be almost addicting,” she added. “They can trigger a reward pathway in our brain… It often keeps people coming back for more. It means good business for the fast food industry but bad news for the health of our children.”

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Some parents said the barriers to preparing homemade meals were too busy or stressed. Plus, homemade foods might be less achievable for families without a car or grocery store nearby, the authors wrote.

If you sometimes have to rely on fast food but want your kids to eat healthier, encourage them to order milk or water instead of soda, Freed said. Some fast food restaurants offer grilled chicken nuggets, fruit cups or apple slices in addition to frying options.

“Parents of young children should definitely read labels and ultimately make the decisions, but as children grow older, teaching them to read nutrition labels can allow them to be more informed consumers throughout their life. life, ”Adam advised.

When encouraging certain food choices in general, try to do so without sowing the seeds for eating disorders, body image issues, or perceptions of food as good or bad. The best way to do that is to model sensible, balanced, and positive eating habits your kids are likely to copy, Adam said.
If you want to give your kids more home-cooked meals but are struggling with transportation or financial hurdles, check out our in-depth guide on how your family can eat healthy on a budget. It includes tips for saving money, buying foods that will keep your family satisfied longer, making low-cost recipes, and reusing ingredients, which could mean less trips to the store.

Consider that cooking can increase family time, the authors suggested. “Parents can cook with their younger children, and for older children, they can encourage them to experiment on their own in the kitchen or take turns preparing a family meal,” they wrote. “While it may take longer to prepare food with children or adolescents, it is also an opportunity (to) share an experience or learn something new together.


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