1 in 5 COVID-19 patients develop mental illness within 90 days


A new study suggests that a significant number of patients with COVID-19 suffered from mental illnesses soon after their diagnosis.

  • Illnesses include anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
  • Severe psychotic disorders were not as common.

The new research – published in The Lancet Psychiatry Journal – found that 20% of observed COVID-19 patients had psychiatric conditions such as depression and anxiety within 90 days of their diagnosis.

  • The researchers looked at data from 69 million people. Only 62,354 of these patients had COVID-19.
  • The researchers wanted to see if patients with COVID-19 were more or less likely to suffer from mental health complications.

The study found that those who had COVID-19 were at high risk for anxiety, insomnia and dementia after illness compared to those who suffered from the flu or other respiratory illnesses, according to The Hill.

Key quote:

  • “COVID-19 survivors appear to be at increased risk for psychiatric sequelae, and a psychiatric diagnosis may be an independent risk factor for COVID-19,” the authors wrote, according to The Hill.

Mental health issues on the rise:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently surveyed 10,000 Americans about mental health during the pandemic.

  • The study found that depression and anxiety increased sharply between March and June.
  • Young people have also been hit hard. About 11% of all respondents said they had “seriously considered suicide” in the early days of the pandemic. That number was almost double (about 1 in 4) for teens, according to NPR.
  • In September, experts expressed concern about a potential increase in anxiety and depression in adolescents due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, as I wrote for Deseret News.


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