10 foods for a good functioning of the kidneys | Healthy lifestyle


About 10% of the world's population suffers from kidney disease. Small bean-shaped organ, the kidney performs several vital functions of the body, including filtration of waste, the production of hormones controlling blood pressure, ensuring the body's water balance, etc.

The main causes of kidney disease are diabetes and hypertension. Obesity, smoking, genetic reasons, age, etc. are also factors that affect the health of the kidneys. High blood sugar and high blood pressure damage the blood vessels of the kidneys. When the kidneys are not functioning properly, food waste and other sources accumulate in the blood. This forces people with kidney disease to follow a particular diet.

The diet can be modified according to the severity of the disease. Patients who have reached advanced stage must follow a "safe diet for the kidneys" which aims to reduce the amount of waste mixed with blood. Also called "renal diet", it prevents kidney damage and improves their function.

People with a diseased kidney should avoid or reduce the consumption of foods containing sodium, potassium, phosphorus and protein. Appropriate changes to the diet should be made in the opinion of a doctor.

Here are some excellent dietary options for kidney patients:

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"Capleur: Vegetable rich in nutrients, cauliflower contains many vitamins C, K and folate as vitamin B. Anti-inflammatory compounds such as indole and fiber are also present.

" Red grape: It contains a lot of vitamin C and antioxidants like flavonoids, which control inflammation and control diabetes. Red grapes have abundant amounts of resveratrol, which is good for a healthy heart.

Egg white
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»White egg: Although the egg yolk is rich in nutrients, it contains phosphorus and should be avoided. But the egg white is ideal for patients who are following a kidney diet. It contains proteins that do not damage the kidneys. The egg white is also beneficial for dialysis patients.

"Garlic: Since people with kidney disease need to reduce their sodium and salt intake, they can choose garlic. It compensates for the lack of salt and makes the dishes tasty. In addition, garlic is also nutritious. It is rich in manganese, vitamin C, B 6 and sulfur compounds.

Olive oil
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"Olive oil: Patients with kidney disease will find in olive oil a good source of healthy fat. It contains a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid that has anti-inflammatory properties.

" Cabbage: Vegetable cruciferous, cabbage is rich in vitamins, minerals and plant compounds. It contains many vitamins K, C and B that ensure a healthy digestion process. Cabbage also has good amounts of insoluble fiber. The quantities of potassium, phosphorus and sodium are tiny in this vegetable.

"Latin: Although the amount of potassium is much lower in the capsicum, it is rich in other nutrients. Vitamin C is present in good quantity. Vitamin A, which strengthens the body's defense mechanism, is also abundant in capsicum.

Onion: A very good product for kidney diet, the onion does not contain sodium. Onion makes the digestive process effective because it is rich in vitamin C, manganese, B vitamins and prebiotic fiber.

" Radish: With trace amounts of potassium and phosphorus, radish is rich in vitamin C. It reduces the risk of heart disease and cataracts.

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"Pineapple: Fruits such as orange, banana and kiwi have a high potassium content, but the amount of pineapple is much lower, making it ideal for patients with kidney disorders. Pineapple is rich in fiber, B vitamins, manganese and bromelain, an enzyme that controls inflammation.

While deciding on a kidney diet, medical advice should be sought. A doctor may suggest the best foods based on the severity of the disease.


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