11 new deaths, 3,318 new positive cases – deadline


The Los Angeles County Public Health Department reported 11 new deaths from Covid-19 on Saturday, along with 3,318 new positive cases and 1,008 hospitalizations.

Public Health said hospitalizations were up 45% since last Saturday. 23% of people currently hospitalized are in intensive care.

The number of deaths and confirmed cases reported today may reflect delays in reporting over the weekend. But today’s data brings the county to a total of 24,682 deaths and 1,300,313 positive cases.

Covid test results have now been made available to more than 7,322,000 people, 16% of whom test positive. Today’s daily test positivity rate is 6.1%.

Three of today’s new deaths were in people over the age of 80. Three people who died were between 65 and 79 years old, while three others were between 50 and 64 years old. The other two people who died were between 30 and 49 years old.

On Saturday, Public Health reiterated that Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations were increasing in the county and the country, also noting the effectiveness of the vaccines in fighting the virus.

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“The data overwhelmingly shows that vaccines are effective in preventing serious illnesses that lead to hospitalizations and death. To truly fight transmission, however, we need to have higher levels of immunization, especially among our young residents, ”said Director of Public Health Barbara Ferrer. “The tragic reality is that almost everyone hospitalized and dying of COVID-19 is not vaccinated and these hospitalizations and deaths are, for the most part, preventable.

«Nous reconnaissons que de nombreux adolescents et jeunes adultes qui n’ont pas encore été vaccinés ont entendu ou lu que les vaccins ne sont pas sûrs et que COVID ne provoque qu’une maladie bénigne. Ni l’un ni l’autre n’est vrai », a ajouté Ferrer. « Près de 25 000 résidents du comté de LA sont morts de COVID-19, et COVID est désormais la principale cause de décès. Et les trois vaccins autorisés utilisés aux États-Unis ont fait l’objet de la surveillance de sécurité la plus intensive de l’histoire des États-Unis. »

Les vaccins Covid restent disponibles pour les résidents de LA et les travailleurs de 12 ans et plus.

L’ordre sanitaire du comté de LA, obligeant les résidents à se masquer dans les espaces publics intérieurs, quel que soit leur statut vaccinal, reste en vigueur, après avoir été réintroduit le 17 juillet.


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