11 unexpected ways to relieve headaches


Headaches are a pain that many of us face every day. While some move quickly, others may linger, forcing people to miss out on their social commitments, falling behind at work, or feeling downright awful.

According to William Chow, a Los Angeles-based neurologist, headaches are one of the most common problems in a patient. We know the obvious remedies – like blowing an extra-strength Advil or Tylenol – but what if you do not always want to rely on your medicine cabinet?

HuffPost discussed with experts some surprising causes of headaches, as well as lesser known ways to relieve them. Take a look below:

1. Address your nocturnal squeaks

One of the most discussed causes of headaches is jaw tension and grinding of teeth, said Boryana Nikolova, a London-based dentist. According to Nikolova, "70% of adults cringe", which usually happens at night when people do not realize they are doing it.

"Grinding teeth causes tension on the tiny muscles that control your jaw and these muscles are around the side of the head and temples," said Nikolova, adding that this could lead to headaches, especially a few hours later. your alarm clock. .

This condition, called bruxism in the median world, can be remedied by practicing relaxation techniques before going to bed, such as stress can lead to night grinding. If the condition is serious, Nikolova suggested making an appointment with your dentist who can provide you with a mouthguard specifically designed for this purpose.

"The unit serves as a shock absorber for any grinding residue, thus avoiding damaging the teeth and exhausting the muscles around the head. It's this wear that contributes to morning headaches, "she said.

2. Chug a little H2O

Do not stay hydrated? A telltale sign may be a pounding in the head. Studies show that drinking more water can help relieve headaches and migraines.

If you feel the tension of the head go up and you have not filled your glass for a while, you may want to make it a priority. experts recommends that adult women consume 91 ounces of water in beverages and foods, while men should aim for 125 ounces. If you train and sweat, you may want to add a glass or two more.

And watch for caffeine because it is a diuretic. "For every cup of coffee you drink, you have to drink a few cups of water or you dehydrate your body, causing more headaches in America than anyone can imagine," Sharmila said. Michael, a pharmacist in Mobile, Alabama.

3. try a massage

Feeling a little tense these days? This could contribute to your aching head. "Limited clinical trials have shown compelling evidence that massages treat headaches, "said Ayo Moses, a family medicine provider with CareMount Medical in New York.

He noted that in the event that a headache is caused by muscle tension, "the massage seems to help".

"The mechanism behind the use of massage in tension headaches is that it increases blood flow to the affected areas, mainly to the neck, back of the head and shoulders," he said. said Moses.

4. Take a break from stretching

The same logic for massage also applies to activities like yoga, physical therapy and Pilates, which, according to Chow, can "reduce the muscular tension component of headaches". Taking a break from stretching in the afternoon could also help relieve a headache, said Julia Jones, a neurologist at Houston Methodist Hospital.

"If you sit at a desk for work, be sure to sit with good neck and back posture and take frequent breaks to move and stretch," she added. a good ergonomic configuration on your workstation is a good idea to help relieve neck pain. And significant neck pain with muscle spasms can definitely trigger headaches.

"Some of my patients prefer to use a standing desk because it helps you in your posture. Headphones [for phones] can also be very beneficial in reducing significant cervical spasm, "she said.

5. Engage in a stress reduction activity

"Stress management techniques are a great way to prevent and relieve headaches," Jones said. Try logging, watching a funny movie on Netflix or taking part in deep breathing exercises.

Stephen Silberstein, Director of the Headache Center at Jefferson University Hospital, is personally a yoga fan for this technique. Silberstein said that this practice can reduce the intensity and frequency of headaches and migraines because it "combines physical postures that strengthen and stretch muscles with deep breathing, meditation and relaxation."

6. Consider a Botox shot

Suffers from severe migraine attacks? This specific method of relief is currently approved only for chronic migraines, "that is to say that headaches are at least half of the days of the month, at least half of which are clearly migrainous", said Christopher H. Gottschalk, head of the department of general neurology at Yale Medicine. Assistant Professor of Neurology at the Yale School of Medicine.

Gottschalk added that the Botox injection "every three months around the head and shoulders, has helped thousands of patients to an extraordinary degree".

7. Be active

When you have a headache, it can be tempting to snuggle up, but experts say that becoming active can pay off. According to Chow, regular exercise, that is, 20 to 30 minutes of low-impact cardio three to four times a week, can help reduce headaches. This, he explained, is that staying fit makes the blood flow and "improves your cardiovascular function and cognitive function." His suggestions for fighting headaches include jogging, cycling or swimming.

8. Have a good night's sleep

Chow said that sleep deprivation is a known trigger for headaches. But do not overdo it: he warned that recording too much z, that is to say, sleeping too much, especially when you try to fall asleep during the weekend, can have the effect reverse and actually cause headaches. Seven to eight hours of sleep each night could reduce the frequency of headaches, Chow added.

9. Give your eyes a break

Ming Wang, an ophthalmologist in Nashville, Tennessee, said that many headaches can often be related to vision. According to Wang, it is common to feel headaches after reading too much, watching TV or even focusing on long distances.

"These headaches are more likely to occur late in the day and during the work week or school and less likely in the morning or on weekends," Wang said.

To relieve a headache probably caused by eyestrain, try taking frequent computer breaks. If you read, stop now and then and focus on something in the room to give respite to your eyes. If that does not work, you may need to check your eyes.

"An ophthalmologist should be a first step for anyone suffering from headaches that seem related to their visual system," Wang said. "A correct prescription is often able to relieve headaches, that it is an update of an ongoing prescription or a prescription for the first time."

10. Remember to try acupuncture

A study found that acupuncture could help people with frequent tension headaches to relieve their pain. During a session, an acupuncturist inserts needles into specific pressure points along the body, such as neck or back. the American Migraine Foundation said that "there is evidence that acupuncture reduces the frequency of headaches in migraine sufferers and that the effect may be similar to that seen with preventative medications."

according to Diana Lane, acupuncturist based in Austin, Texas, "Acupuncture alleviates and alleviates various types of headaches by strategically redirecting blood flow into the body, releasing various biochemical signals that teach the body to reduce pain through the stimulation of the peripheral nervous system. "

11. Get more targeted treatment with technology

DIY method does not work? Ask your doctor about the latest technologies designed to help reduce or relieve headaches. According to Charlie Chen, a San Diego-based plastic surgeon, some products, such as electric nerve simulators, could be of great help. He also treats migraine patients by non-invasive and surgical means.

"It's an electrode that sends signals to the deep nerves, which can cause headaches, to relieve," said Chen.. He noted that a prescription is probably needed, "but it can be both preventative and stop migraines and generalized headaches of tension."

Biofeedback is another option for relieving headaches: this technique helps people control certain functions of their autonomic nervous system. According to National Foundation of Headacheswith biofeedback, "individuals learn to control these functions by observing monitoring devices and reproducing the desired behavior". This has been touted as giving some patients a way to manage symptoms like headaches.

Finally, a nerve blocking procedure can be helpful in combating severe headaches such as acute migraines. According to Jones, a doctor will use a combination of a steroid and lidocaine to help block the pain.

"The occipital nerve is the most commonly blocked nerve for relief of headaches," she said, noting that the treatment may need to be repeated every three to six months. This method is widely accepted as a standard of care by headache experts, said Jones, but some insurance companies consider this method as experimental and will not pay for it.

"Living with" is a guide for navigating conditions that affect your mind and body. Each month, HuffPost Life will tackle real problems by providing different stories, tips and ways to connect with others who understand what it is. In April, we cover migraines and headaches. Do you have an experience to share? Email [email protected].


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