13 answers to the FAQ on the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine


For many people, getting the second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine is incredibly exciting. But it can also be confusing. On the one hand, the complete vaccination offers you important protection. On the other hand, you might have heard that the second dose can make you feel bad or you might not know what it even means to you in terms of being able to resume a ‘normal’ lifestyle.

It’s okay to feel anxious about the second shot or to be confused about what will follow. Do you need to take time off work after your second injection in case you get sick? Can you drop your mask as soon as the second dose is given? Below are the answers to these and other questions regarding the second dose of Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna vaccines that require a second dose.

Your questions about the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine answered

1. How can I schedule my second dose?

Your second dose should be scheduled by the administrator for your first dose. If not, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends contacting the administrator of your first dose for a second appointment.

2. When should I receive my second dose?

If you have received the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, your second dose should be scheduled three weeks after your initial dose. If you have received Moderna vaccine, your second dose should be scheduled four weeks after your initial dose. You should not receive the second dose earlier than recommended because there is limited efficacy data before the prescribed second dose dates.

3. What happens if my second dose is delayed or if I miss my appointment?

You can still receive your second dose within six weeks (42 days) after your first dose. After that, the data on efficacy are limited; however, the CDC does not recommend restarting your vaccination cycle with the first vaccine if you miss this window. Instead, give your second injection (note that the exact effectiveness is unknown).

If you miss your scheduled appointment, you must contact the administrator of your first appointment to reschedule it.

4. Should I bring anything to my second date?

Some requirements vary from state to state, but you should always bring the vaccination record given to you at your first appointment.

5. What happens if I lose my vaccination card?

The CDC recommends contacting the administrator of your first vaccine or your state health department to obtain a copy of your immunization card.

6. What should I do with my vaccination card after my second vaccination?

The CDC recommends keeping the hard copy in a folder somewhere and taking a photo of it for safekeeping as well.

7. Will I feel sick after my second injection?

Responses to the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine may vary, but they may be more intense than those experienced with the first vaccine. According to the CDC, possible side effects include aches, pains, and swelling at the injection site and throughout the arm, as well as fatigue, headache, muscle aches, chills, fever and nausea. While uncomfortable, these symptoms are usually nothing to worry about – they’re just a sign that your immune system is responding to the vaccine the way you want it to. If your symptoms do not go away after a few days, however, or if the redness / tenderness at the injection site worsens after 24 hours, see a healthcare practitioner.

Listen to a biochemist explain exactly how vaccines work:

8. What can I do or take to reduce these symptoms?

According to the CDC, you can take over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin, or antihistamines to relieve symptoms if you don’t have a medical condition that otherwise prevents you from doing so. The organization also recommends using a cool, clean, damp washcloth at the injection site and counterintuitively exercising your vaccinated arm to relieve pain and aches. You need to hydrate as much as possible. Adequate sleep is also recommended.

9. Am I considered fully immunized after receiving my second vaccine?

You are not considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19 until two weeks after receiving your second dose of the vaccine.

10. What can I do after I am fully immunized?

Once you’re fully vaccinated (two weeks after your second injection), the CDC says it’s okay to congregate indoors without a mask with other people who are also fully vaccinated. You can also gather indoors without masks with each other not vaccinated household, unless someone in that household is in a vulnerable category and at risk of serious illness from COVID-19. If you are exposed to COVID-19, you do not need to quarantine yourself unless you are showing symptoms or living in a group environment.

11. What can I not do after I am fully immunized?

According to the CDC, you should maintain safety protocols in public, such as social distancing and wearing a mask, or if you are meeting with unvaccinated people from more than one household, or if you are visiting a person. at high risk of serious illness. Unvaccinated COVID-19 disease.

You should also continue to avoid medium to large gatherings, delay travel, follow your workplace protocol, and watch for symptoms of COVID-19. While you’re more protected in scenarios like eating indoors or working out at the gym, the CDC warns that these activities remain at higher risk, especially if there are high numbers of unvaccinated people present, precautions must therefore remain in place.

If you are unsure whether or not it is safe to participate in an activity, the New York Times has created a tool that can help you assess risks.

12. Am I 100% protected against COVID-19 after a full vaccination?

No, but you are significantly protected. COVID-19 vaccines are very effective in protecting against serious infection and death, and recent data suggests Moderna and Pfizer BioNTech vaccines are 90% effective in preventing infection completely. Data is still being collected on their effectiveness against newer variants of the virus, but that doesn’t mean they are ineffective to reduce or prevent diseases caused by these strains. In other words, they will still protect you, but the exact degree to which they will do so is unknown.

13. Can I still spread the virus if I am fully vaccinated?

Early data shows that a full vaccination can help prevent people from spreading the disease, but more information is needed. For this reason, you should continue to consider the well-being of others when making decisions about participating in activities in which you might expose them.

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