1,452 active COVID-19 cases in Brazos County on Super Bowl Sunday, 93 new positive cases confirmed today


BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – The Brazos County Health District reported Another 93 positive cases of COVID-19 in Brazos County. Currently, there are 1,452 active cases.

No new deaths have been reported in the past 24 hours. There have been a total of 181 deaths in Brazos County linked to COVID-19.

14,638 patients are classified as cured, meaning they did not have a fever for 72 hours without fever medication, and this happened 10 days after the onset of symptoms.

43 percent of new confirmed cases are in the 18-24 age group.

There have been 3,355 probable cases in Brazos County since June 18, 2020. A probable case of COVID-19 is determined by a positive antigen test. Confirmed cases of COVID-19 are determined by a positive PCR test. The health district is investigating all confirmed and probable cases.

There are currently 394 active probable cases and 2,961 recovered probable cases.

The total number of confirmed positive cases in the county since testing began is 16,271. 168,608 tests have been completed.

The total occupancy rate of hospital beds in Brazos County is 87% and the total occupancy rate of intensive care beds is 133%.

Currently, 41 residents of Brazos County are hospitalized with COVID-19.

National Trauma Service Area N

Most of the Brazos Valley falls under the N State Trauma Service Area (Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Robertson and Washington counties). Trauma service area N currently reports 683 staffed hospital beds and 95 available beds. According to the latest state data, the region has 0 intensive care beds and 61 ventilators available. The latest state update listed 85 lab-confirmed COVID-19 patients currently in hospital.


County Active cases Total cases Recovered cases Death Dose
Austin 101 1663 1536 26 2755 690
Brazos 1452 16,271 14 638 181 13096 2640
Burleson 575 2097 1494 28 1063 364
Grimes 641 3232 2533 58 1303 399
Houston 91 1481 1355 35 1403 557
Lee 383 1802 1383 36 895 261
Leon 298 1470 1138 34 634 230
Madison 214 1832 1595 23 430 188
Milam 60 1239 1179 33 1604 416
Montgomery 5516 41310 19412 223 25337 2965
Robertson 453 1918 1436 29 877 232
San Jacinto 196 858 638 24 1309 326
Trinity 72 606 514 20 723 245
Walker 333 7866 7330 103 2968 907
Waller 235 3158 2889 34 1919 467
Washington 939 3465 2447 79 3218 636

The State of Texas COVID-19 dashboard has received updates and changed the way they define numbers. The total number of cases is now the combination of confirmed and probable cases.

To view the state’s COVID-19 vaccine dashboard, click here.

For the latest updates from TDCJ, click here.

Texas A&M University

The Texas A&M COVID-19 Dashboard reported 62 new cases and 595 active cases on February 4.

Currently, the university has reported 4,890 positive cases, 7.2% of tests come back positive.

The last update to the dashboard was provided on February 4, 2021.


[View the state’s coronavirus dashboard for the latest COVID-19 case information.]

[View the state’s COVID-19 vaccine dashboard]

Throughout the state of Texas, it is estimated active cases and 2,080,185 recoveries. There were 2,476,783 cases in total and 20,953,539 tests in total (viral and antibodies).

To date, 38,476 Texans have died from COVID-19.

Currently, 2,330,010 Texans have been vaccinated with at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and 733,287 Texans have been fully vaccinated. Across Texas, 4,029,200 doses were shipped.

254 of the 254 counties in the state of Texas are currently reporting cases. Harris County leads the state in total cases with 326,248 reported cases.

The last status update was provided on February 6 at 12:35 PM.

Editor’s note: Leon County updates its cases every Wednesday. KBTX uses the Status Dashboard, which updates daily, for a more accurate reading of cases.

Copyright 2020 KBTX. All rights reserved.


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