1,456 new cases (October 4)


There have been 1,456 new cases of COVID-19 reported on Monday, October 4 since Friday in Montana, with 11,498 total active cases in the state.

Five new deaths have been reported; the total number of Montanais who have died from COVID is now 2,022, according to the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS). Custer County has reported two new deaths and one new death has been reported in Hill, Yellowstone and Cabon counties each.

The number of people actively hospitalized due to COVID is 419, an increase from the 412 hospitalizations reported on Friday. The cumulative number of hospitalizations in Montana due to the virus is 7,734, with the state reporting 31 new hospitalizations since its last report. To date, about 1 in 20 (5.04%) COVID cases reported in the state have resulted in hospitalization.

Missoula County added the most new cases with 199 reported, there are 1,859 total active cases in the county. Yellowstone recorded the second highest number of new cases with 149, for a total of 2,728 active cases. Cascade was the third highest with 142 new cases, with a total of 653 active cases.

Five new deaths have been reported; the total number of Montanais who have died from COVID is now 2,022, according to the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS).

There have been 153,479 cumulative cases of COVID in Montana. The cumulative number of recoveries is now 139,959. There have been 13,341 new COVID tests administered since the last DPHHS report.

53% of eligible residents are now vaccinated, with 490,456 Montanais now considered fully vaccinated. The total number of doses administered is 1,019,038. If you would like to be vaccinated, contact your county health department or click here.

People can visit the DPHHS website anytime for current state data and county-specific information.

The information is taken from the DPHHS website and is current as of Monday, October 4, 2021.


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