2 Massachusetts hikers die after apparent fall on icy Acadia cliff


Two hikers were found dead on Mount Dorr in Acadia National Park on Saturday after apparently falling more than 100 feet along strips of icy cliffs, the park said.

The victims, who were not identified by name in a press release from the park, were a 28-year-old man and a 30-year-old woman from Rutland, Massachusetts, who arrived in Bar Harbor on Tuesday and told members of their family that they were interested. in Cadillac Mountain hike.

They were last heard from on Thursday and national park rangers and local authorities began their search on Friday after they neither left their hotel nor returned to their vehicle.

Authorities searched unsuccessfully with a helicopter with thermal imaging capability for the two nights from Friday to Saturday. The bodies of the victims were found late Saturday morning during a ground search in high-probability areas that included 15 volunteers and park staff.

Deaths in the national park, the most popular parts of which are on Mount Desert Island, are relatively rare. A book published in 2019 counted 76 deaths there dating back to its formation in the early 1900s.

Michael Shepherd joined the Bangor Daily News in 2015 after three years as a reporter for the Kennebec Journal. Originally from Hallowell who now lives in Augusta, he graduated from the University of Maine in … More by Michael Shepherd


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