2 members of Congress secretly visited Kabul during evacuation efforts


Two members of Congress secretly traveled to Kabul, Afghanistan, as the United States evacuated tens of thousands of vulnerable Americans and Afghans after the country fell to the Taliban.

Representatives Seth Moulton, a Democrat, and Republican Peter Meijer, both Iraq war veterans, on Tuesday made a sneak visit to Hamid Karzai International Airport “to monitor” the evacuation, their offices said in an press release after their departure from Afghanistan.

“There is no place in the world right now where surveillance matters more. We conducted this visit in secrecy, speaking only after our departure, to minimize risk and disruption to those on the road. field, and because we were there to gather information, not at the rostrum, “the statement said.

“We left in a plane with empty seats, sitting in seats reserved for the crew to make sure that no one who needed a seat loses one because of our presence,” the statement added.

Both lawmakers wanted President Joe Biden to extend his August 31 deadline for the withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Afghanistan and expressed doubts after their trip that the U.S. would be able to complete the evacuations on time.

“After speaking with the commanders in the field and seeing the situation here, it is obvious that because we started the evacuation so late, that whatever we do, we will not get everyone out on time, even the September 11. Sadly and frustratingly, getting our people out depends on maintaining the current and bizarre relationship with the Taliban, ”they said.

Mr. Biden noted Tuesday that the United States is “on track” to meet the deadline, but it also depends on the Taliban cooperation by allowing access to the airport.

Mr Biden said the United States had evacuated more than 70,000 people since August 14. American officials have said many times they don’t know how many Americans are in the country, but have sworn to bring out all the Americans who want to leave Afghanistan.

Moulton and Meijer were criticized by other government officials for the unauthorized trip.

“It is selfish, irresponsible and dangerous for our brave women and men on the ground. When they return to the United States, they will take seats that should go to those in need,” a US official told CBS News .

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urged members of Congress not to visit Afghanistan or the region, citing a request from the Department of Defense and the State Department.

“Ensuring the safe and rapid evacuation of those at risk requires the full focus and attention of US military and diplomatic teams on the ground in Afghanistan. Movement of members to Afghanistan and surrounding countries would unnecessarily divert necessary resources from the priority security mission and quickly evacuate America and endangered Afghans from Afghanistan, “Pelosi wrote to lawmakers on Tuesday.

In a series of tweetsMoulton said he was deeply moved by the dedication of the US military stationed at Kabul airport.

“The world has really never seen anything like what America is doing in Kabul this week – deeply tragic and highly heroic. Fear and despair at their worst; hope and humanity at their best.” , did he declare. “Washington should be ashamed of the position we put our military in, but they represent the best in America. These men and women have been taken a beating and are still strong. Their empathy and dedication to duty is truly inspiring.”

Ed O’Keefe contributed reporting.


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