More than 150 riot workers parade to protest against forced arbitration and sexist culture [Updated]

[ad_1] More than 150 unhappy employees of Riot Games left the League of Legends publishers in Los Angeles today to protest the company's position on forced arbitration. Standing on a parking lot at Riot Campus, employees held placards and delivered passionate speeches. "We are calling for the end of forced arbitration for all past, current … Read more

Study reveals lifestyle factors that can harden arteries

[ad_1] Credit: CC0 Public Domain A new study from the University of Georgia has highlighted lifestyle factors that could lead to hardening of the arteries. One of the largest of its kind, the study established a non-targeted metabolomic profile of more than 1,200 participants in the Bogalusa Heart Study to identify metabolites related to hardening … Read more

Donald Trump awards medal of freedom

[ad_1] Visit to the White House of Tiger Woods: Donald Trump delivers the Medal of Freedom Share your comments to help improve our site! [ad_2] Source link