21 COVID-19 vaccine shipments affected due to temperature issues during shipment


LANSING, Michigan (WLUC) – The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services says some COVID-19 vaccines were affected during a shipping issue on Sunday.

The MDHHS has been informed by McKesson that several shipments of Moderna vaccine shipped on Sunday, January 17 saw their temperatures get out of range and become too cold. The cause of this is under investigation by McKesson.

Each vaccine shipment is equipped with a temperature monitor that is used to monitor the temperature of the vaccine during transport. McKesson is working quickly to repackage additional vaccines to ship as replacement doses for those that may be compromised and the majority of the 21 shipments were returned Monday evening with the remainder being sent out on Tuesday. Six more shipments were withheld to verify that there were no issues with the vaccine that could delay scheduled vaccinations at these six vaccine supplier sites.

“We are committed to accelerating vaccine delivery as we work to achieve our goal of vaccinating 70% of Michiganders over 16 years of age as quickly as possible with the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine,” said Dr Joneigh Khaldun , medical director and director. health assistant. “While it is unfortunate that this vaccine cannot be used, we are pleased that the safeguards put in place to ensure the integrity of the vaccine have worked. This is the first report of a potentially compromised vaccine in shipment to Michigan and we are working quickly with the distributor to have the replacement vaccine shipped. “

Vaccines are shipped to vaccine suppliers statewide by manufacturers and distributors. No vaccine is shipped or distributed by MDHHS.

Information about this epidemic is changing rapidly. The latest information is available at Michigan.gov/Coronavirus and CDC.gov/Coronavirus. To learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine, visit Michigan.gov/COVIDVaccine.

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