221 more COVID-19 cases, 1,671 vaccinations, no new deaths reported Monday in Utah


SALT LAKE CITY – The number of COVID-19 cases in Utah increased by 221 on Monday, with no new deaths and 1,671 vaccinations reported, according to the Utah Department of Health.

The state now estimates that there are 11,897 active cases of COVID-19 in Utah. The seven-day rolling average number of positive cases per day is now 503, according to the health department. The rate of positive tests per day for this period of time reported with the “people over people” method is now 8.2%. The positive test rate per day averaged over seven days calculated with the “test-by-test” method is now 4%.

There are 164 COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized in Utah, including 59 in intensive care, according to state data. About 66% of all intensive care unit beds in Utah are now occupied, including about 68% of those in Utah’s 16 referral hospitals. About 48% of non-ICU hospital beds are now filled, according to state data.

A total of 1,010,700 doses of the vaccine have been administered in the state, up from 1,009,029 on Sunday. A total of 669,307 Utahns received at least one dose of the vaccine, while 365,587 were fully immunized, according to state data. A total of 1,146,170 doses of vaccine were shipped to the state.

The new figures indicate a 0.06% increase in positive cases since Sunday. Of the 2,293,096 people tested for COVID-19 in Utah so far, 16.5% have tested positive for the disease. The total number of tests since the start of the pandemic is now 4,014,075, up from 6,382 since Sunday. Of those, 3,293 were tests on people who had never been tested before for COVID-19, according to the health department.

Monday’s totals give Utah 378,600 total confirmed cases, with 15,129 total hospitalizations and 2,027 total deaths from the disease. According to the Department of Health, a total of 364,676 cases of COVID-19 in Utah are now expected to be recovered.

Utah Governor Spencer Cox is due to provide an update on the pandemic Thursday at 10 a.m. during his monthly press conference with PBS Utah.

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