& # 39; Big Papi & # 39; David Ortiz lands in Boston on the medical flight of D.R .; plane sent by Red Sox


Retired Red Sox retiree David Ortiz landed in Boston on a medical flight from the Dominican Republic, where he was shot Sunday night. Red Sox officials sent the plane so "Big Papi" could be taken to Massachusetts General Hospital for further treatment. "Our medical team here in Boston and the doctors in the Dominican Republic have confirmed that David's condition was still serious, but that he was stable enough to be brought back here to Boston for continuous treatment." said team president Sam Kennedy. The media gathered in front of a hospital in Santo Domingo to spot Ortiz, who was hiding behind a white sheet while he was out of the facility and taken in an ambulance. The ambulance then transported it to the Las Americas International Airport, just outside Santo Domingo. Ortiz, 43, was ambushed by a man who took down a motorcycle and shot him in the back at close range, authorities said. Kennedy said members of the Red Sox organization had been working all night to gather information on the shooting and offer help to the Ortiz family. "David Ortiz is one of the most famous and beloved members of the Red Sox family, and on behalf of our entire organization, our thoughts and prayers are with David," he said. he declares. "They are also with his father Leo, his wife Tiffany, his children Angelo, Jessica and Alexandra, as well as his family and friends around the world." "One thing about David, you know, he's strong, he's not afraid, he never shows any weaknesses so because of that, the Lord will be with him." For those who believe, you know, pray for him … keep your vibes positive, "Alex Cora, manager of the Red Sox M & # 39; A DIT. "I've always said that it was larger than life, you know David, like that atmosphere that he brought to the team every day and what he brings to every time I see it. " Kennedy said the goal is to get Ortiz back to Boston at a point on Monday night. "It's hard to express what David Ortiz means for the Boston Red Sox," Kennedy said. "When you love someone and that he's in danger, it's shocking, but you have to put those emotions aside and focus on what's needed." At this point, we focus exclusively our efforts on all we can for Tiffany (Ortiz) and Ney Aldrin Bautista Almonte, director of the Dominican National Police, said that Ortiz was at the Dial Bar and Lounge in Santo Domingo at 8:50 pm Sunday when the gunman approached from behind and fired at him, Ortiz was taken to a medical center where he was operated, and his condition was stable, Bautista said, and the surgeons had to take some of the Bowel, colon and gall bladder Ortiz also suffered liver damage, according to ESPN.Police identified the suspect as being 25-year-old Eddy Vladimir Feliz Garcia, according to Frank Félix Durán, a door of the National Police of the Dominican Republic Feliz Garcia confessed to his participation in the attack, Durán said. Durán also said that the suspect was under the influence of alcohol and had a history of drug trafficking. Feliz Garcia was captured and beaten by a crowd of people at the bar, said Bautista. The national health services in the Dominican Republic have stated that the man suffered from skull contusion, chest trauma and injuries to the knee and leg. He was treated at Darío Contreras hospital and transferred to police custody. Jhoel López, host on Dominican TV, was with Ortiz at the time he was shot. Bautista said that López was also injured, apparently by the same bullet. Ortiz played for Boston for 14 of his 20 major seasons and was a beloved leader of the Red Sox team. He has hit 541 career circuits, has been a 10-time star player and has been a three-time World Series champion. His number was retired by the team in 2017. A street and bridge near Fenway Park both bear his name. In addition to his success on the field, Ortiz was a leader in the city. His challenging message in the days following the Boston Marathon attacks inspired the community. "It's our city (delirious) and no one will dictate our freedom," he said. Ortiz continues to be an eminent and charitable figure of the region. Through outreach, education and support to medical care, David Ortiz Children's Fund is committed to improving the health and well-being of children who need life-saving heart surgery. He recently received an honorary degree from Regis College and was the special guest Wednesday at the annual 5 parade for Ellie.

Retired Red Sox shooter David Ortiz landed in Boston on a medical flight from the Dominican Republic, where he was shot Sunday night.

The Red Sox officials sent the plane so that "Big Papi" could be brought to the Massachusetts General Hospital for further treatment.

"Our medical team here in Boston and the doctors in the Dominican Republic have confirmed that David's condition was still serious, but that he was stable enough to be brought back to Boston for treatment," said the team president, Sam Kennedy.

A crowd of media gathered outside a hospital in Santo Domingo to spot Ortiz, who was hiding behind a white sheet while he was out of the facility and taken to an ambulance.

A & # x20; large & # x20; group & # x20; & # 39; media & # x20; assembled & # x20; assembled & # x20; at # x20; a & # x20; & # 20; & # x20; Dominican & # 20; x20; Republic & # 20; try to & # x20; catch & # x20; a & # x20; overview & # x20; of & # x20; retired & # x20; Red & # x20; Sox & # x20; slugger & # x20; David & # x20; David & # x20; David & # x20; David & # x20; David & # x20; Ortiz & # x20; June & # x20; 10, & # x20; 2019.” title=”A large group of media gathered outside a hospital in the Dominican Republic, trying to catch the retired, retired Red Sox hitter, David Ortiz, on June 10, 2019. " data-src = "https://kubrick.htvapps.com/htv-prod-media.s3.amazonaws.com/images/david-ortiz-taken-out-of-hospital-1560205146.png?crop=1xw:1xh center, top & resize = 660: * "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "/>

A large media group gathered outside a hospital in the Dominican Republic, trying to catch the retired, retired Red Sox hitter, David Ortiz, on June 10, 2019.

The ambulance then transported it to Las Americas International Airport, just outside Santo Domingo.

Ambulance & # x20; carrying & # x20; David "# 20; Ortiz & # x20; a) for # # 20; medical flight & # x ;; & n & x20; arrive & # x20; at & # x ;; airport

The ambulance that transported the Red Sox hitter, David Ortiz, to his medical flight arrives at the Las Americas International Airport on June 10, 2019.

Ortiz, 43, was ambushed by a man who lowered a motorcycle and shot him in the back at close range, authorities said.

Kennedy said members of the Red Sox organization had been working all night to gather shooting information and offer help to the Ortiz family.

"David Ortiz is one of the most famous and beloved members of the Red Sox family, and on behalf of our entire organization, our thoughts and prayers go to David," he said. -he declares. "They are also with his father Leo, his wife Tiffany, his children D'Angelo, Jessica and Alexandra as well as his family and friends around the world."

"One thing about David, you know – he's strong, he's not afraid, he never shows any weaknesses so because of that, the Lord will be with him." For those who believe, you know, pray for him … keep your vibes positive, "said Alex Cora, director of the Red Sox. "I've always said that he was larger than life, you know David, like that atmosphere that he brought to the team on a daily basis and what he brings to each and every time that I see it. "

Kennedy said the goal is to get Ortiz back to Boston on Monday night.

"It's hard to express what David Ortiz means for the Boston Red Sox," Kennedy said. "When you love someone and that he's in danger, it's shocking, but you have to put those emotions aside and focus on what's needed." At this point, we focus exclusively our efforts on everything we can for Tiffany (Ortiz) and the children and for David. "

The director of the Dominican National Police, Ney Aldrin Bautista Almonte, said that Ortiz was at the Dial Bar and Lounge of Santo Domingo at 20:50. Sunday when the shooter approached from behind and shot him. Ortiz was taken to a medical center where he had surgery. His health was stable, said Bautista.

Surgeons had to remove some of the intestines, colon and gall bladder from Ortiz. Ortiz also suffered from liver damage, ESPN reported.

Police identified the suspect as 25-year-old Eddy Vladimir Feliz Garcia, according to Frank Félix Durán, spokesman for the Dominican Republic's National Police. Feliz Garcia confessed to his participation in the attack, Durán said.

Durán also said that the suspect was under the influence of alcohol and had a history of drug trafficking.

Feliz Garcia was captured and beaten by a crowd of people at the bar, said Bautista. The national health services in the Dominican Republic have stated that the man suffered from skull contusion, chest trauma and injuries to the knee and leg. He was treated at Darío Contreras hospital and transferred to police custody.

Jhoel López, a Dominican TV host, was with Ortiz when he was shot. Bautista said that López was also injured, apparently by the same bullet.

Ortiz played for Boston for 14 of his 20 major league seasons and was a beloved leader of the Red Sox team. He has hit 541 career circuits, was a star player 10 times and has been a three-time world series champion.

His number was retired by the team in 2017. A street and a bridge near Fenway Park both bear his name.

In addition to his success in the field, Ortiz was a leader in the city. His provocative message in the days following the Boston Marathon attacks inspired the community.

"It's our city (delirious). And no one will dictate our freedom, "he said.

Ortiz continues to be an eminent and charitable figure of the region. Through outreach, education and support to medical care, David Ortiz Children's Fund is committed to improving the health and well-being of children who need life-saving heart surgery.

He recently received an honorary degree from Regis College and was to be Wednesday's special guest at the annual fashion show 5 for Ellie.

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