396 more COVID-19 cases, 6 deaths reported Sunday in Utah


SALT LAKE CITY – The Utah Department of Health reported 396 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state on Sunday, along with six more deaths from the disease and 15,861 additional vaccines administered against it.

The state now averages 507 new reported cases per day and a positive test rate of 4.12% over the past week.

Currently, 167 Utahns have reportedly been hospitalized due to COVID-19, including 63 in intensive care. Sunday’s figures come as 7,397 more tests were reportedly carried out.

Overall, the state has now confirmed 378,379 cases of COVID-19 and performed 4,007,693 tests. It administered 1,009,029 vaccines – surpassing the million mark, as Governor Spencer Cox promised on Saturday – and lost 2,027 residents to the virus.

“The state of Utah has taken an important step today in the battle against COVID-19. More than one million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in the state,” the department said. health in a press release. “For those of you who have already received your vaccines, thank you. For the rest of you, please get vaccinated when it is your turn. This is how we get our lives back.”

Of those millions of vaccines administered, 365,176 Utahns are now fully vaccinated against COVID-19. A complete vaccination requires one dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine or two doses of Moderna or Pfizer vaccines.

The six deaths reported on Sunday were:

  • Davis County man over 85 living in long-term care facility
  • Salt Lake County man aged 45 to 64 who was hospitalized when he died
  • Utah County woman aged 65 to 84 who resided in long-term care facility
  • Utah County man aged 65 to 84 who was not hospitalized when he died
  • Two Utah County men aged 45 to 64 who were hospitalized

There is no head of state coronavirus press conference scheduled over the weekend. Cox will hold his regular weekly press conference later this week; the conference usually takes place on Thursday.

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