4 hidden ways to increase your blood pressure


The risk of high blood pressure is not limited to genetics.

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What you need to know about habits that can affect your blood pressure readings. Getty Images

Your blood pressure is not just related to your but also to your lifestyle, such as your diet, workout routine and sleep patterns.

Many people experience a diet high in fat, salt, and sugar, as well as a sedentary lifestyle that can affect the rate of blood pressure. But experts want to alert people to other habits that can impact blood pressure readings.

The American Heart Association has recently released a list of hidden habits that can affect a person's blood pressure.

Fighting high blood pressure, or high blood pressure, is essential because approximately 75 million Americans, or more than one in three adults, suffer from hypertension. .

People who use over-the-counter medications to treat minor pain can see peaks in their blood pressure.

Over-the-counter medications, including anti-inflammatories such as naproxen (Aleve) and ibuprofen (Advil), can increase blood pressure.

Drugs such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) are less likely to cause an increase in blood pressure.

Many over-the-counter decongestants are also known to increase blood pressure.

Prescription drugs such as those used to treat mental health, oral contraceptives, immunosuppressants, cancer drugs and steroids can also increase your blood pressure.

However, medical experts recommend that people do not stop taking these medications without consulting their doctor.

Alcohol and caffeine can also contribute to increased blood pressure.

It is recommended to limit caffeine to less than 300 milligrams (mg), or about two to three cups of coffee a day, to prevent high blood pressure from reaching critical levels.

Alcohol should be limited to "not more than one drink a day for women and no more than two drinks a day for men," Dr. Elizabeth A. Jackson, MPH, professor of medicine at the department Cardiovascular diseases of the University of Alabama. , told Healthline.

"The green tea extract and other caffeine-related products, such as matcha, all increase the adrenaline rush in a patient," said Dr. Satjit Bhusri, Lenox cardiologist Hill Hospital New York.

Bhusri went on to say that these products are "intended to create an additional alert, but that in so doing, [they elevate] blood pressure in dangerous categories. "

Supplements and certain combinations of foods can also result in high blood pressure.

All supplements labeled "natural" are not considered safe. Herbal supplements and home remedies that use ingredients such as licorice can lead to high blood pressure, for example.

In addition, foods containing strong cheeses, cold cuts and even soy products may contain high levels of tyramine. This substance may interact with antidepressants such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), resulting in episodes of hypertension.

Some people have "white-coat" hypertension, which can occur when medical facilities cause anxiety, leading to high blood pressure readings.

These measures may give a false picture of hypertension in the doctor's office, which means that people may end up with unnecessary medications for high blood pressure.

To compensate for this, people can take their blood pressure readings at home, and then compare those readings with measurements done at their doctor's office.

"If the blood pressure numbers are higher in the doctor, taking his blood pressure home allows [patients] and their health care provider with an accurate picture of what is the blood pressure in a natural environment, "Jackson said.

To get as accurate a measurement as possible at home, take your blood pressure with a well calibrated portable device with good batteries.

Prepare for blood pressure readings by emptying your bladder, avoiding cigarettes or caffeine for 30 minutes before the measurement and sitting quietly for a few minutes before taking a reading.

According to the CDC, in 2014, more than American deaths, or nearly 1,100 deaths per day, involved high blood pressure as the primary or contributory cause.

According to current guidelines, normal blood pressure has a systolic (upper) number less than 120 and a diastolic (lower) number less than 80.

Stage I hypertension occurs when the systolic number is between 130 and 139 and the diastolic is between 80 and 89. Stage II hypertension is a systolic disorder greater than 140 and a diastolic greater than 90.

Bhusri stated that if you have a systolic blood pressure greater than 180 and greater than a diastolic greater than 120 and you have symptoms of chest pain, dizziness or shortness of breath, it is of a hypertensive emergency ".

For all those who are in this situation, his advice is to "go to the nearest emergency room because their risk of stroke or heart attack is very high."

High blood pressure is a contributing factor to multiple health problems.

According to the CDC:

  • Among Americans who have a heart attack for the first time, 7 out of 10 have high blood pressure.
  • Nearly 8 out of 10 Americans who have had a stroke for the first time also have high blood pressure.
  • Chronic heart failure is associated with high blood pressure in about 7 out of 10 Americans.

"Hypertension is known as the silent killer. Yes [a patient] In case of high blood pressure, they should consult their primary care doctor who can then, according to their assessment, send them to a specialist for hypertension, said Bhusri.

"Their risk of heart attack and stroke can be reduced if high blood pressure is detected and managed early."

In addition to the above recommendations, the American Heart Association has resources to consult: suggestions for simple steps to take to lower your blood pressure, information on medications for blood pressure and tips to reduce your sodium and salt consumption.


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