4 more COVID deaths reported in Cascade County


BIG FALLS – On Saturday, the Cascade City-County health department reported four more deaths from COVID-19 in Cascade County since Tuesday, October 27. The total death toll in Cascade County is now 30.

The individuals were a man in his 60s, two women in his 60s and a woman in her 40s. The CCHD did not release any names.

In a press release, Trisha Gardner, Cascade County health manager, said: “It is terrible to see the impact of this disease and how difficult it is for their loved ones to say goodbye in a period of time. also difficult and strange. ”

“Please, for the sake of our neighbors and our community, take the precautions that have been recommended for so many months,” she said. The CCHD urged businesses and individuals in Cascade County to “take prevention seriously and do whatever they can to stop the spread of the virus.”

Cascade County reported 31 new cases of coronavirus on Saturday and 1,255 active cases that morning.

It is important to note that not all people who test positive get really sick or have symptoms. Many do not; of those who do get sick, some have mild symptoms and do not require hospitalization. Others, however, require hospitalization, as noted in the daily update on the number of people hospitalized. However, every person who tests positive for COVID-19 has the potential to spread the virus to others, including family members and friends, which is why public health officials continue to encourage everyone to wear a mask and maintain at least the recommended six feet. of “social distance” in public.

COVID-19 in Montana (Saturday, October 31)
COVID-19 in Montana (Saturday, October 31)


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