4 new deaths due to COVID-19 63 new cases of COVID-19 in Tuolumne


Tuolumne Public Health reports four new deaths from COVID-19, a woman in her 60s who was vaccinated and three who were not vaccinated, a woman in her 60s, a woman in her 60s and a man in her 40s. Two of the deaths occurred at a local health care facility. Public health epidemiology and infection prevention staff coordinate with facilities and organizations to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in high-risk settings.

Tuolumne Public Health reports 63 new cases identified since yesterday, including one case of an inmate. There are 274 active community cases of which 20 are hospitalized. The current total case rate, a 14-day moving average for Tuolumne County, is 64.5 per 100,000 population, from a previous record high of 62.8 yesterday. Of the 62 new community cases, 2 were vaccinated with Moderna.

The new cases include 16 cases aged 11 or younger and 12 cases aged 60 and older. The breakdown by sex and age is; 8 girls and 4 boys aged 0-11, 2 girls and 2 boys aged 12-17, 8 women and 5 men aged 18-29, 5 women and 6 men aged 30-39, 2 women and 4 men 40-49 years old, 4 women 50 to 59 years old, 5 women and 1 man 60 to 69 years old, 3 women 70 to 79 years old, 1 woman and 1 man 80 to 89 years old and 1 woman 90 years old or over .

A total of 22,564 inhabitants of Tuolumne are fully vaccinated and 4,046 are partially vaccinated. The vaccination rate is 53% of those eligible for Tuolumne, those aged 12 and over. The California Department of Corrections reports 12 active cases to the Sierra Conservation Center (SCC). A total of 1,554 inmate cases have been resolved, which includes all fire camps in the south.

Tuolumne Public Health and Adventist Health Sonora released a joint statement detailing the increase in patient numbers due to Covid, “Burnout is an understatement at this point,” said Dr Philip Clarkson. Both entities strongly encourage vaccination as detailed here. Full federal approval of the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for ages 16 and over has been detailed here, Moderna and J&J have emergency use approval. Tuolumne Public Health says the vaccine is the most important step in reducing the spread of disease, preventing serious illness and death, and reducing the impact on the health system. In addition, they recommend the continued practice of other preventive actions such as wearing a mask in public, keeping your distance, avoiding crowds, washing your hands and staying home in case of disease will help slow the spread of the virus.

Calaveras County Public Health Calaveras has reported 28 new cases of Covid since yesterday. Active cases decreased to 56 from 97 active cases yesterday. There are four active Covid hospitalizations. There are 10 new cases aged 0 to 17 and two new cases in people aged 65 and over. Since the start of the pandemic, Calaveras has counted 325 Covid-19 positive people aged 17 and under and 511 Covid-19 positive people aged 65 and over.

Mariposa County Public Health reports 9 new cases since yesterday, including 2 cases under 11, 2 from 12 to 19 and 2 cases 60 and over. There are 104 active cases and 11 people hospitalized. Six of the nine new cases were not vaccinated, the vaccination status of one case is currently under investigation.

As detailed in yesterday’s report here, Mariposa is experiencing its biggest increase in Covid cases. Today, they recognized their case investigation and contact tracing team. Mariposa health officials say the team “works tirelessly every day to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community. They know it’s not just about picking up the phone and asking about symptoms and immunization status. They provide advice and resources and help alleviate fears. They organize grocery or medicine pickups. They can direct individuals to financial resources for missing work. Some days can be emotionally draining for our team. They rejoice with people when they feel better. They cry when a death is reported. They listen, they care and they love this community. By cooperating with our team, you are helping them keep our community safe, but you are also helping them to help your friends and relatives who are close contacts. We appreciate the support and cooperation we receive and remind everyone that cooperation will help us get through this phase much faster. Together, we can slow the spread. It takes a village, but we can do it.

COVID-19 test
The state trial site is at the Mother Lode Exhibition Center in Sonora and is scheduled to be open daily from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Due to increased demand, appointments must be made. taken rather than move. Appointments can be made at www.lhi.care/covidtesting or by calling 888-634-1123. The test is also available through Rapid Care or the hospital emergency department if you have symptoms, or contact your healthcare provider.

Vaccines against covid-19 in Calaveras, Tuolumne or Mariposa can be made at local pharmacies and via myturn.ca.gov or by calling 833-422-4255. Current guidelines have been published for a third dose of COVID vaccination for people who are moderately to severely immunocompromised. For more details on these criteria, please see here: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/ThirdVaccineDoseQandA.aspx Individuals who meet the criteria should check with their health care provider to confirm the proper administration and timing of a third dose of the COVID vaccine. A vaccine can then be scheduled by their supplier, a pharmacy or another vaccination clinic.

Anyone 12 years of age and older is eligible for the COVID vaccine, Pfizer is approved for anyone over 12 years of age. If you have any questions about MyTurn and the registration process, call Tuolumne Public Health at 533-7440 or email [email protected]

The California Department of Public Health and the local county health department have issued masking guidelines for universal indoor masking, as detailed here. Isolation and quarantine information and advice is available at https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/Guidance-on-Isolation-and-Quarantine-for -COVID-19- Contact-Tracing.aspx Personal care guidelines and other advice from the CDC are here.

County / Date
Level color
New cases
Total number of cases COVID
Amador 08/23 163 25 2,443 41
Calaveras 08/24 56 28 2,688 61
Mariposa 08/24 104 9 749 ten
Mono 08/24 65 1 1 168 5
Stanislas 08/24 2,564 289 64,706 1 120
Tuolumne 08/24 274 63 5,403 82


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