4 other counties in the Greater Bay Area renew their call for interior masking as the delta variant increases


Photo of Erin Allday

The latest county health workers to join the new recommendation for people to resume wearing masks in indoor public spaces include Santa Cruz County's Dr Gail Newel (second from left) and County's Dr David Ghilarducci de San Benito (right), who joined Dr Sara Cody of Santa Clara County and Dr Matt Willis of Marin County at a press conference in June.  Napa and Monterey counties are also asking for indoor masking recently, with only Solano County in the Bay Area not joining the recommendation.

The latest county health workers to join the new recommendation for people to resume wearing masks in indoor public spaces include Santa Cruz County’s Dr Gail Newel (second from left) and County’s Dr David Ghilarducci de San Benito (right), who joined Dr Sara Cody of Santa Clara County and Dr Matt Willis of Marin County at a press conference in June. Napa and Monterey counties are also asking for indoor masking recently, with only Solano County in the Bay Area not joining the recommendation.

Yalonda M. James / The Chronicle

On Monday, four other counties in the Greater Bay Area joined their neighbors in recommending that all residents, regardless of their vaccination status, resume wearing masks indoors.

Health workers in Napa, Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties issued a joint statement advising people to use masks in indoor public spaces “out of caution,” as cases climb and the delta variant highly. infectious begins to dominate.

Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara and Sonoma counties issued similar recommendations on Friday.

Only Solano County in the Bay Area has not recommended that all residents resume wearing masks. Solano County has the lowest vaccination rates among the Bay Area counties.

Statewide, Los Angeles remains the only county to issue a new mask warrant for all residents. The mandate, which requires everyone to wear a face covering in indoor public spaces, went into effect on Saturday evening.

The four-county statement released on Monday recommends that businesses implement universal masking policies for their customers in interior spaces. “It will also make it easier for companies to ensure that unvaccinated people are masked,” the statement said.

California ended its statewide mask tenure on June 15, although unvaccinated people are still expected to wear face coverings indoors. Most companies operate on an honor system to enforce this mask rule with their customers.


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