4-year-old Texas preschool Kali Cook dies of COVID hours after first symptoms


A Texas preschooler died from COVID-19 this week within hours of developing a fever, her family said. Kali Cook, 4, died in her sleep Tuesday morning, around five hours after finding out she had a fever, her mother Karra Harwood told the Houston Chronicle.

“Kali was perfectly fine, then she left,” her mother said. “It took him so quickly.”

Primary school preschooler Kenneth E. Little in Bacliff had spent a pleasant evening with his family less than 12 hours before becoming the youngest child to die from the virus in County Galveston.

Kali had just started kindergarten last month and she loved it, telling her mom that she “can’t wait to go to school”.

The exuberant 4-year-old girl died just one day after her mother, brother and 5-month-old sister learned they were infected. The family is currently in home quarantine.

The Galveston County Health Department confirmed that a young girl who died from COVID-19 died Tuesday morning, calling her “the first in a person 10 and under” in the county.

Harwood and Galveston County health officials are not sure where Kali contracted the virus. Health officials have expressed doubts about the possibility of Kali contracting him in her classroom.

As the family hid in their home, financial realities began to creep in. Harwood has started a GoFundMe page to help pay for Kali’s funeral and medical expenses. So far, they have raised $ 16,568 from their goal of $ 20,000. In the description area of ​​the page, Harwood writes that “Kali’s heart was too pure for this cruel world” and describes how the family is collectively “broken and lost” while trying to overcome their grief.

The donation page is filled with reviews that send the best to the family. “Pro-Vax or Anti-Vax, no one should lose their child at such a young age. I am deeply sorry for your loss, ”wrote René Ureta.

Kali’s tragic death comes amid a massive wave of the delta variant, which has plagued young children at far higher rates than expected. According to the Texas Department of State Health Services, as of September 10, at least 2,384 children have contracted COVID-19 in the state.


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