40 new deaths, 252 new cases reported in Orange County on February 21 – Orange County Register


Forty new deaths were reported by Orange County public health officials on Sunday, February 21, bringing the total number of deaths from COVID-19 to 3,810.

Data on deaths in the county is compiled from death certificates or collected during case investigations and can take weeks to process. The most recent death on record was on February 13.

The Orange County health care agency reported 252 new cases of the coronavirus on Sunday, bringing the cumulative total in the county to 244,632 cases since follow-up began.

The county also reported 577 patients at local hospitals. There were 190 patients listed in intensive care units on Sunday, down nine from the previous report. Inpatient totals are roughly the same as where they were at the end of November.

The California Department of Public Health’s vaccine scorecard shows that 620,629 doses of the vaccine have been distributed in Orange County as of February 20.

An estimated 5,426 cases of the virus have been recorded in Orange County in the past 14 days. The 14-day average case was 9,111 a week ago.

The county update says 2,962,759 tests have been performed for the coronavirus since testing began locally, with at least 12,110 new tests since the previous report.

Of the 3,810 cumulative deaths reported from the virus, 940 were residents of skilled nursing facilities, 428 were assisted living facilities, one was in prison and eight were homeless.

The distribution of deaths by age in the county is as follows:

  • 85 and over: 32.89% (1,253, over 10)
  • 75-84: 23.96% (913, plus 5)
  • 65-74: 19.27% ​​(734, plus 6)
  • 55 to 64: 13.81% (526, over 18)
  • 45 to 54: 6.56% (250)
  • 35 to 44: 2.2% (84)
  • 25 to 34: 1.05% (40)
  • 18-24 years old: 0.24% (9, plus 1)
  • 17 and under: 0.03% (1)

An estimated 223,522 people recovered from the virus on Sunday. The number of people who have recovered is based on the cumulative number of previous 28 days.

Data released each day is preliminary and subject to change, officials say. Further information may become available as investigations of individual cases are completed.

You can find the Orange County Health Care Agency dashboard here.

Orange County Hospitalizations and Critical Care Patients:

Vaccination phases in California:


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