42 new deaths, 793 new confirmed cases – deadline


The Los Angeles County Public Health Department released new data on Saturday, confirming 42 new deaths from Covid-19 and 793 new cases. The department also said daily hospitalizations from the virus fell below 1,000 in LA County for the first time since November 23.

The new figures reported bring LA County to a total of 22,446 deaths and 1,209,632 identified cases.

At the time of writing, 979 people are hospitalized for Covid-19, 29% of whom are in intensive care. The test results were made available to nearly 5,946,000 people, of which 19% were positive. The positivity rate for Saturday’s test, in particular, stood at 1.8%. Although the number of hospitalizations due to the virus continues to decline, it is still considered high.

14 of today’s new deaths were in people over 80 12 people lost to the virus fell between 65 and 79 10 were between 50 and 64, with three people aged 30 to 49 also happening. Of the reported deaths, five were from the city of Long Beach.

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Today’s news follows a major announcement yesterday, which saw Los Angeles County join with 12 other people to step up to the red reopening level, closely aligned with a state-announced framework. This change came, in line with the State’s Action Plan for a Safer Economy, after 2 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine were administered to some of its hardest-hit communities.

As a result of this transition to red level, cinemas, museums, zoos, aquariums and restaurants indoors will be allowed to reopen in LA County at 25% capacity, effective Monday the 15th. March at 12:01 am Gyms, fitness centers, Yoga and dance studios may open indoors at 10% capacity, with a masking requirement for all indoor activities, while services Retail and Personal Care will be allowed to increase their capacity to 50%, provided the same security conditions are met. Indoor shopping centers will also be able to increase their capacity to 50%, although common areas will remain closed. At the same time, the school and higher education institutes will be able to reopen for in-person activities, with the necessary security modifications.

With LA County in the red level, private gatherings involving up to three separate households are allowed indoors, if masking and social distancing are in place. During this time, fully vaccinated people can gather in small groups with others who have received both vaccines, without the need to mask themselves or to distance themselves.

In the latest Public Health report, Director Barbara Ferrer noted that we, as a county, “have made good progress and have even more progress to make.

“We urge everyone to exercise caution and good judgment over these critical coming weeks and months to avoid the surges in cases, hospitalizations and deaths as we saw in late 2020 and into the next decade. early 2021. Keep your guard on. Continue to follow all security measures, ”she added. “Stay masked, keep a distance of at least 6 feet from others, and keep in mind that outdoor activities are much safer than indoor activities.”


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