43 Bay Area hospital staff test positive for COVID; the inflatable christmas costume may be to blame


SAN JOSE, Calif .– 43 staff from Kaiser’s emergency department in San Jose tested positive for COVID-19 between December 27 and January 1, said Irene Chavez, senior vice president and regional head of the hospital in a statement.

The hospital is investigating the outbreak and told KGO-TV in an email that the spread “could” have been linked to an “air-powered suit.”

Officials have confirmed that an employee briefly appeared in the emergency department wearing an inflatable costume on Christmas Day.

“Any exposure, if it had occurred, would have been completely innocent and completely accidental, as the individual had no symptoms of COVID and was only seeking to boost the morale of those around him for a period of time. very stressful, ”Chavez said. “If anything, this should serve as a very real reminder that the virus is widespread, and often symptomless, and we all need to be vigilant.”

Emergency personnel were the first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine less than 10 days ago and the hospital said they “would not be expected to have achieved immunity when this exposure occurred. It is important not only that everyone gets vaccinated, but also to receive the two doses of vaccine required to be protected. “

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The hospital says the emergency department is always open and safe for treatment, and all areas of the ward are being thoroughly cleaned. An investigation and tracing of contacts between staff and patients is underway.

“Obviously, we will no longer allow inflatable suits in our facilities,” Chavez told KGO. “At the same time, we are taking steps to strengthen safety precautions among staff, including physical distancing and no congregation in break rooms, no sharing of food or drink and masks at all. moment.

Read the full hospital statement below:

“The health and safety of our patients, employees and physicians is our top priority. We have determined that 43 staff in the emergency department at Kaiser Permanente San Jose tested positive for COVID-19 between December 27 and January 1. ensure that every affected staff member receives the care and support they need. Using our infection prevention protocols, we are investigating the outbreak and using contact tracing to personally notify and test any staff or patient who has been exposed during this time based on the CDC and public health guidelines. We are also moving quickly to test all emergency department workers and doctors for COVID-19. Employees confirmed to have COVID-19 or suspected of having COVID-19 due to symptoms will not come to work, adhering to COVID-19 isolation protocols as recommended by Kaiser Permanente and the CDC.

Kaiser Permanente San Jose Medical Center is open and safe to receive care. All areas of the emergency department are thoroughly cleaned, in addition to the already rigorous cleaning protocols in place. All of our healthcare workers will be offered weekly testing for COVID-19 and expedited testing for anyone with symptoms or exposed to someone with COVID-19. Masks are needed in all areas and we are in the process of reconfiguring our processes and common spaces, such as staff rest rooms, to limit staff gatherings.

We are grateful to our employees, nurses and physicians for their dedication to providing excellent and compassionate care every day. Nearly 40,000 healthcare workers at Kaiser Permanente in northern California have already received COVID-19 vaccinations, with more continuing every day, bringing us closer to control of the pandemic. Even as the vaccine begins to be provided in our communities, given the prevalence of COVID-19 in the community, we are all still vulnerable and it remains essential for everyone to continue using the methods to protect ourselves and others. – in particular masks, wash hands, avoid gatherings and take social distances. ”

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